My Mantra Lately (How to Move Beyond Good and Bad)


My family and I recently went on a trip to the Hawaiian islands. There were amazing moments, like meditating in a sacred Banyan tree at a Hindu temple and dipping in the ocean with my daughter for the first time…

But there were also the harder moments, like needing to start our day at 3 or 4 am with a baby who never got used to the time difference… or changing a very poopy diaper with a squawking baby right at the most sacred moment of sunset when the sun dips beneath the ocean horizon…

It got me thinking about good and bad, and how so often there is challenge within life’s beautiful moments, and silver linings wrapped up in our challenges.

We’ve been conditioned to see the world this way. To avoid and run away from the “bad” and chase and work towards the “good,”

But what really is good and bad? 

I’m reminded of a dharma story of a farmer and his horse.

"One day the farmer’s horse runs away. And his neighbor comes over and says, to commiserate, “I’m so sorry about your horse.” And the farmer says “Who Knows What’s Good or Bad?” The neighbor is confused because this is clearly terrible. The horse is the most valuable thing he owns.

But the horse comes back the next day and he brings with him 12 feral horses. The neighbor comes back over to celebrate, “Congratulations on your great fortune!” And the farmer replies again: “Who Knows What’s Good or Bad?”

And the next day the farmer’s son is taming one of the wild horses and he’s thrown and breaks his leg. The neighbor comes back over, “I’m so sorry about your son.” The farmer repeats: “Who Knows What’s Good or Bad?”

Sure enough, the next day the army comes through their village and is conscripting able-bodied young men to go and fight in war, but the son is spared because of his broken leg.

And this story can go on and on like that. Good. Bad. Who knows?"  ~ Old Zen story as told by David Allan

After living in three different places in the last two years, I can say that there is good and bad in each of them. 

After accomplishing so many of my big life dreams, like writing and publishing a book, leading an international retreat, planning a wedding, becoming a mother… there was a lot of good and bad wrapped up in each of them! 

I’ve been reflecting that with any decision or life circumstance we meet, there is pretty much guaranteed good and bad. 

It is undeniable that life is both positive and negative.

So I’m choosing to have a new goal - rather than creating the perfect external circumstances, I’ve been asking, "What would it be like to be OK with both the good and the bad?”

To find a state of equanimity, of peace within amidst it all.

I’ve learned by now that the root of suffering is the desire for pleasure and the fear of pain.

We suffer when we are in a constant state of craving for the good and feeling aversion to the bad. 

I was recently reading my friend’s book and really stopped to take in these words:

“Life in a human body is messy. We live in a land of dichotomy. So we will always feel and experience the opposites. We are supposed to. And we need to if we want to have the fullest, richest experience here on Earth. In order to experience the highs, we have to know the lows. In order to understand pleasure, we have to live through pain… I have discovered that true joy is feeling gratitude for being alive even while stuck in a darker state of mind. In this way, happiness may be fleeting, but joy stays.“ ~ Renee Linnell's new book, "Still on Fire"

A mantra arose for me in that moment of reading, that I’ve now been saying every day:

Life is Full with Good and Bad, I’m Choosing to be Grateful for What I Have.

It especially helps in the harder moments. The middle of the night wake ups. Jaw tension and headaches. Physical tiredness, anxiety or overwhelm...

It brings me back to the present. It reminds me I don’t need to be riding the up and down roller coaster of life, but that I can take the seat of a witness. The seat of non attachment, of compassion, and of remembering it is all good, bad, fleeting and impermanent. 

When I say it now, I feel myself soften. I remember the good in my life. I don’t need to run away from it all.

So I wanted to pass it along, in case it may bring some solace to you as well.

With love, 



129 | Spirituality & Love at the Center of Anti-racism with Porsha Beed



It was an honor to sit down for this heart opening conversation with a personal mentor and friend of mine, Porsha Beed.

It was just before the pandemic when I first met Porsha in a song circle in Sebastopol, CA. I was touched by the songs her and co-founder Aaron Johnson shared with our group and how effortlessly they brought us into our hearts.

I attended their daylong anti-racism workshop and went on to work privately with Porsha over several months to move through my own grief around racism, look at my blind spots as a white woman with privilege and come into deeper alignment with how I show up for my work, friends and larger community.

I think a lot of white people do end up (sadly) avoiding relationships with people of other races because of the shame and guilt that often arises.

When we focus on the fear and guilt, we take the focus away from truly getting to know and caring for another human being.

Porsha is here and reaching for us to heal this divide.

May this conversation open a door for us all to look within, to heal, and to create deeper relationships and a better future for all the generations to come.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Approaching anti-racism work through song and building relationships

  • Healing and tending to grief

  • Letting go of perfectionism and embracing willingness

  • Spirituality and love at the center of anti-racism and social justice movements

  • Healing shame to let down barriers and form true relationships

  • Stories of healing from Porsha’s work

  • The importance of self-forgiveness

  • All about Porsha’s upcoming deep dive series, “Can You Hear Me?” (Links below)

  • How Porsha overcomes fear and doubt and anchors back into her roots and reasons behind this work

  • A beautiful song to remember our connection to spirit

Links in this episode: 

Join Porsha for one of her upcoming deep dives:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

Porsha Beed (she/her) is a co-founder of Holistic Resistance and Grief to Action. Porsha is a practitioner of love, grief work, and deep heart/soul work. She is a mentor, love prophet, poet, spiritual healer and facilitator who pulls from a spiritual ancestral lineage and the earth as guides to support and hold her as she works towards a vision of healing work that aids in the dismantling of racism and oppression. She weaves her African heritage and queer experiences into seeds that she sows in her authentic creative expressions through facilitation, ritual practices, poetry, and song.



Coming out of the Labyrinth: More Reflections on New Motherhood


A Labyrinth: a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze.

My baby turned 5 months old this week. I’ve mostly been quiet during this time, only sharing a few photos and moments with the rest of the world. I haven’t felt called to share much until now because of lack of time, and the inability to think clearly because of such an irregular sleep schedule, but also because it has felt like I’ve been in a metamorphosis, and I’ve still been in the cocoon being transformed, not yet ready to spread my wings.

I had a moment around three months postpartum where I started to go back to work. I thought I would only need three months of postpartum time and then I could go back to the regular schedule I had before becoming a mom.

People said 3 months was the end of the 4th trimester, and was about double the amount of time many new moms get off from their jobs.

The only thing was, just as I started to find a rhythm with our night times, Ella began a 3-4 month sleep regression, and my night time wake ups went back to 1-2 hours in the night.

Then the insomnia began.

I would just be drifting off back to sleep when I would be woken up again to care and soothe her. Ella would then fall back asleep, and as I tried to, my mind would begin racing, and I couldn’t.

There were several nights in a row where I laid in bed awake for 4 or more hours at a time, while my baby slept. Sleep deprivation began to compound with anxiety as I wondered how I would manage to get through the next day, especially now that I had calls on the calendar where I was expecting myself to be clear, awake, and ready to hold space for others.

It was too much too soon.

That week I had a call with a friend and mentor. A mother herself, she shared, “You just can’t compare your pre-motherhood self to who you are now. Just as Ella is discovering the world and who she is for the first time, so are you. You’re a different person, and you just can’t compare how things are now to what they were before.”

I had no choice but to surrender.

I blocked off my calendar. I delayed the start date of my next program. I let go of welcoming new clients beyond the ones I was already working with.

And I felt really defeated, and sad.

I am someone who deeply loves my work, and my autonomy as a business owner. There was a part of me that was really ready to go back to it. I wanted to recover that sense of self and identity, beyond being a new mother.

But everything around me was saying, it’s just not yet time.

Months ago I was in a birth class, and our teacher used the metaphor of birth as a labyrinth.

Image source

I pictured myself walking through the maze and meeting my baby at the center, joyfully walking back out and meeting the world.

But it’s been more meandering than that. More confusing. More slow, with unexpected corners and opportunities to turn around and start again.

From the first moment of holding my baby until a few weeks ago, I feel like I was still lost in the center of the labyrinth.

I am just starting to find my way back out, and I am walking out in many ways, a different person.

When I began this journey, I didn’t quite know what I would be leaving behind, or what I would gain.

I remember at the end of our birth class our teacher shared about the Sumerian goddess Inanna, the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and wisdom.

She was considered a Queen of Heaven, but at some point felt a calling to go to the underworld to meet her sister, the Queen of the Underworld.

There were seven gates she had to pass as she journeyed deeper down, and at each gate she needed to leave something behind. Little by little she needed to offer up her crown, her scepter, her breast plate, and on and on until she found herself naked, completely stripped down.

It was then that she was ordered to be killed by Ereshkigal, her sister. She journeyed into the underworld and had to face death… eventually, to be rebirthed.

One of her mystical servants from above went down after she was killed, and was able to bring her back to life. Slowly she regained what she had lost and was rebirthed as the Queen of Heaven, with a completely different perspective.

I didn’t quite know that stepping into that labyrinth I would slowly let go of the things I loved. I didn’t quite know what it would be like to offer up my crown and my scepter - to let go of personal space, alone time, and sleep. To offer up sharing a bed with my partner, my libido, all the money I had saved for maternity leave, my work, and the identity I had formed along with it. To have no energy to see friends, or really to do anything besides sleep, eat, bathe or care for my baby.

It was hard. My ego resisted it.

Until there was nothing I could do but cry for what was lost. Many times I found myself in a state of tiredness, grieving it all.

In one of those hard moments, after texting a few close girlfriends asking for their prayers, I chose to accept what was. I was beginning to see how quickly my daughter was changing, how much she was growing from week to week, and I found it within myself to really let go of what was to embrace the present moment.

It was then that I began to see all that I had gained…

Sharing life with another being, the opportunity to witness her discover the world. The preciousness of how little she is, the sweetness of nighttime cuddles and the joy and love of just being together.

My love for her grew stronger the more present I became.

I began to relish the simple moments of experiencing and discovering the world together, both as new beings…

After a few months of this embrace, I’ve found myself taking my first steps out of the labyrinth.

For a week now we’ve been (mostly) sleeping through the night. I find myself next to my partner in bed again. I’m rediscovering alone time as her naps begin to lengthen.

I’m recommitting to my yoga practice. I’m taking cold plunges and nature walks as much as I have energy for. I’m hiring a nanny to return to this work I love. I’m writing again. We're moving back to familiar lands on the coast of California. We even booked a trip to Hawaii to share with Ella later this Fall.

All the things I know and love are slowly returning. Everything I thought I was giving up forever is coming back, as I walk back out of the labyrinth, out of the underworld of new motherhood.

But it looks and feels different.

Everything is a little shinier as I’m experiencing deeper appreciation, and humility. I see the preciousness of an hour of alone time. I savor the moments of being able to witness someone else’s transformation as I hold space. I feel deep gratitude to have time to reflect on my learnings and write them down. I cherish how I feel after a long nap, or a long stretch of sleep through the night. I hold my beloved close as we lay down to sleep, being fully present to the preciousness of this time together.

There’s not a moment now where I take these things for granted.

I recognize my privilege in even being able to regain some of these lost parts of myself through this journey, and how for so many, so much is lost and not regained. I see the sacrifice so many go through to bring in these little beings. I honor each and every woman and family for it.

And I rest in gratitude for this new chapter. For the year ahead, and all the new discoveries that will be made. For all the unknown corners and opportunities to get lost, to lose and find myself again…

Until my next stretch of alone time…

With love,


Way of the Priestess ~ Begins this December 

Our 10-month online immersion in the Priestess Arts + Women's Circle Facilitation begins December 1, 2022 | View the Updated Dates + Call Times


128 | Meredith & Ella's Birth Story



This week I sat down with dear friend Jane Mayer to share the story of my daughter's birth. She was born March 15, 2022 at our home in Boulder, Colorado. In this story I share about everything from unexpected emotions during pregnancy, what I did to prepare for birth, practices to help baby be in the most optimal position for labor, the story of the birth itself as well as lessons from the first six weeks postpartum. 

After spending years preparing for motherhood and holding space for women to heal their womb and their own birth stories it's such an honor to share our birth story with you today. 

Links in this episode: 

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Reflections on New Motherhood


It’s now been almost two weeks since my husband and I welcomed our daughter Ella Sariah Rose to this world. 

Birth was a powerful and empowering experience - something I will most likely reflect on in a later letter. 

But for now I wanted to send you an insight in a quick moment I have between nursing, changing diapers and resting…

The night my milk came in I was feeling tender, emotional, had sore nipples (as I learned the ins and outs of breastfeeding) and pain in my pelvic floor (as I heal from a vaginal birth). 

It was the middle of the night, and I was being faced with my first really difficult moment, where Ella was crying, and all the things I tried were not consoling her, and it was feeling impossible to get her to latch to nurse. 

I noticed my energy in it all - tired, my desire to escape, to not be there, to want someone else to do it for me, the desire for it all to be easier. A “How did I get myself into this…” kind of moment. 

I was alone with her in that moment and I was feeling at a loss of what to do next.

As I sat, trying different positions, trying to put my sore nipple in her mouth, I remembered a quote I had read earlier that day in one of my books about Indian philosophy:

“The root cause of suffering is a desire for pleasure and a fear of pain.”

I reflected on all the times in my life I ran away from things that were hard. Like quitting the tennis team in high school when I didn’t make varsity. Or complained and wanted “someone else to do it for me,” when I didn't know how to start a retirement account.

I thought of all the moments I quit or gave up, or simply desired my life to just be easier, all the moments I found ways to avoid pain and difficulty altogether flashed before my eyes. 

Then I thought about the times I went all in - to a hard conversation I was intimidated to have, or to set a boundary with someone I was scared to stand up to, or when I recommitted again and again to publish my book, or put myself out there to promote something I really cared about, or the times I called upon my inner strength to break through a physical limitation, like being on a long run.

I don’t think our souls come to Earth for things to be easy. 

I think our souls really come here, to this planet for the challenge. 

Deep down we want to grow. We want to find the edges of our limits. 

We want to move beyond them. 

And while there has been so much beauty, there have been challenges along the way of bringing Ella into the world. Almost as if she has been inviting me to commit to her again and again, “Do you really want this?” Do you really want me here?” 

I remember the moments of almost throwing up walking by the seafood in the grocery store, or the end of our labor when I screamed and pushed her out, or that moment waiting for her to take her first breath… 

As if she was silently asking each step of the way, “Do you really want this?….” 


I found that inner commitment, once again, looking into her eyes in the dark room holding my breast. My energy shifted and I anchored back into my inner strength. 


I’m here. 

I want this. 

I am showing up.



I commit.

And as soon as I shifted my energy and those words crossed my mind, she latched. 

The rest of the night continued gently.  We found a flow between sleep, diaper changes and nursing, and the next morning I awoke feeling rested. 

I’ve been reflecting on that moment, and how in motherhood (and in so many parts of life) we are brought to our edge, and asked to recommit. 

To go deeper.  

I’ve been reflecting on how much easier it all is, when we go all in, and eradicate the victim from our consciousness, the voices that tell us it’s too much and we need to complain or escape from it all.

Again, we are brought to an opportunity to see where we are at as a sacred choice, an opportunity to commit again, to say yes, to let go of all the small voices and find out how strong we are.

So whatever challenge you may be facing in your life right now, I invite you to remember yourself as a soul. 

Remember we didn’t just come here for everything to be easy, but instead we wanted the challenge, to find our inner strength and to rise above the smallness…

And fortunately life, and motherhood is not all challenge.

I write this as I look down at Ella’s peaceful face sleeping next to me. I am filled with deep love, tenderness, and a deeper level of purpose than I’ve ever felt before. 

With love,



127 | Healing the Mother Wound & the Mysteries of Pregnancy & Birth with Gabriella Cerince



As I am about to cross the threshold into motherhood, I sat down to speak with mother, ceremonialist, and birthkeeper Gabriella Cerince. (You can also listen to our last episode from 2020 on Ceremony, Seasons, & the Modern Witch right here).

Gabriella shares her birth story (with her now 6-month old daughter,) and the fine line one walks between fear, trust & intuition in the process, and how she was invited to set boundaries both during and after birth as she stepped into her new role as Mother.

Gabriella has great reverence for mothers, women and mothers-to-be and is working towards a world where our direct line of connection to our mothers and Earth mother can be healed and tended to. This conversation reminds of connecting to our innate power as women as we walk through potent initiations in a full-spectrum life…

“Birth works… the more we can get out of the way, the better…”

In this episode we discussed:

  • Gabriella’s home birth story

  • The initiations & mysteries of pregnancy

  • What Gabriella is learning through motherhood

  • How Birth is an opportunity to heal our lineages and the World

  • How Gabriella is navigating her Mother Wound as a new mother

You can also find this episode on Apple podcasts and Spotify.

Stay in Touch with Gabriella:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

Gabriella is a Mother, Ceremonialist, Sovereign Birthkeeper, Freebirth Advocate, and has been initiated into the Temple of Diana as a Dianic Witch. She serves women throughout the childbearing year with an open heart, ready to bring the Village to those in need. She lives in the forests of Oregon with her husband, tending the land and raising their 5 month old daughter. Together, they hold Seasonal celebrations on their property with their local community. Gabriella leads Women's Circles, Red Tents, Village Prenatals, Blood Rites, Mother Blessings, Birth Circles, and Online Courses in the name of the Goddess, Ancestral Healing, and Womb Sovereignty. She is passionate about bringing women back to the Goddess, nourishing women's health, innate power, and protecting female spaces.


126 | Wealth Redistribution & Ancestral Repair with Morgan Curtis



After hearing Morgan’s story of choosing to donate and redistribute 100% of her inherited family wealth, I knew I wanted to speak with her. In this conversation we discuss what it’s like to face the shadows of our ancestral lineages, ask deeper questions of what our family’s part was in injustices in our country and how we can use that knowledge to atone and repair.

Morgan is one of thousands of young people feeling called to redistribute inherited wealth back into the hands of indigenous and black people and organizations across the country… Her story calls us to consider that maybe true happiness is really found when we focus on others’ happiness rather than just our own…

In this episode we discuss:

  • Morgan’s privileged upbringing and calling to activism early in life

  • The inner journey navigating shame, guilt, and anger after learning about some of her ancestor’s involvement in slavery, moving indigenous people off their land, and fossil fuel investments - the very causes she was devoting her activism efforts against

  • The story of how Morgan began redistributing 100% of her inherited wealth and 50% of her earned income

  • How to navigate resistance that may come up when redistributing funds

  • How to begin the journey of looking into your own ancestral past

  • The fears Morgan faced around being public with this work

  • What Morgan has learned about true happiness

  • A letter to her descendants and vision for a healed world

Stay in Touch with Morgan:

Have money to give this season? Here are some of Morgan’s suggestions on where to begin:

  • Ekvn Yefolecv an intentional Indigenous ecovillage community returning to their ancestral homelands in what’s known as Alabama, to reclaim and revive language, ecology, cosmology and tradition.

  • Canticle Farm an urban farm, educational center, and intentional community, located in East Oakland, CA on Lisjan Ohlone territory. In particular, the Sister Water House of Restorative Justice at Canticle Farm is home to formerly-incarcerated Black elders and movement leaders.

  • #Case4Reparations Fund at Liberated Capital is an example of how to cede decision making power by funding the movement for reparations through campaigns and organizations chosen by a group of Black and Indigenous leaders.

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

Rising Women Leaders was recently selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 20 Overcoming Fear Podcasts and Top 100 Women Podcasts on the web.

Guided by the call to transmute the legacy of her colonizer and enslaver ancestors, Morgan is dedicated to working with her fellow people with wealth and class privilege towards redistribution, atonement, and repair of ancestral harms. As a facilitator, money coach, organizer and ritualist, she works to catalyze the healing of relationships with self, family, ancestors, community, and the land, enabling the surrender of power and control so that resources can flow towards racial, environmental, and economic justice. She is in the process of redistributing 100% of her inherited wealth and 50% of her income to primarily Black- and Indigenous-led organizing and land projects. Morgan is a resident of Canticle Farm, a multi-racial, inter-faith, cross-class, intergenerational intentional community in Lisjan Ohlone territory (Oakland, CA). She is currently a Masters of Divinity student at Harvard Divinity School, focused on racial justice and healing. You can learn more at her website:


125 | Soulful Exploration in Relationships with Meredith Rom & Michael Zeligs



This podcast was originally recorded on the Amber Dolan Bath Show. Amber has been a past client of mine, and it was an honor to sit down with her and her partner Jacob to talk all about love and relationships.

You’re invited to join Michael and I for a 2 hour online workshop…

Join us to Learn:

9 Ways of Being to Create Thriving Relationships

Our Top 3 Communication Techniques to Diffuse Conflict and Create Deeper Intimacy

Intimacy Practices To Create a Foundation of Unconditional Love, Freedom and Connection 

How to Balance Sovereignty and Interdependence in Relationships

Links in this episode:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

Meredith Rom and Michael Zeligs have been thriving in love for 10 years and happily married for the last 3. They speak from their direct, lived experience and offer tools and new ways of being and seeing to expand what's possible in love.

Join us in our two hour workshop to step into a new paradigm of love and relationships...Sign up Here


124 | Reflections on the First Trimester with Meredith Rom



Welcome to a new season of Rising Women Leaders!

In this episode I share:

  • My journey of pre-conception and conception

  • The role the island of Kauai played during pre-conception

  • Wisdom from my experience for women opening to conceive and welcome a soul into their lives

  • What I experienced in the first trimester (and what I didn’t expect)

  • How I’ve been approaching nutrition and supplements

  • My favorite books on pregnancy and pre-conception

  • The role of surrender in pregnancy, conception and birth

Links in this episode:


Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

Image of the Kalalea Mountain in Kauai - the Pregnant woman lying on her back

Some say there is a portal here where souls enter and leave this Earth


Were You A Witch in A Past Life? How to Heal the Witch Wound

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Do you ever feel afraid of visibility, public speaking, or being seen in your gifts as a spiritual healer?

Have you ever hid your practices of communing with the moon and the land, or avoided sharing your true self, interests and desires from friends and community?

Have you ever felt worried of putting yourself or someone you love in danger by simply letting people become too close to you?

These are some of the most common signs of having the “witch wound.”

These fears can be irrational and all-encompassing, especially when it comes to sharing our unique gifts. It might come up when it’s time to share about a new business, or make a post on social media (especially if you identify as a seer, a visionary, a healer, or a priestess).

A big part of my path of becoming a healer was through healing my own fears of visibility and sharing my voice.

This played out in my younger years as a fear of public speaking. I struggled introducing myself in a classroom or circle, let alone giving presentations in class. My heart would beat so fast, my voice would shake, and I would always feel like something terrible was about to happen, without understanding why I was feeling this way. There was always a feeling that somehow deep in my subconscious I was terrified of being attacked.

That’s because for those of us who have experienced this wound, somewhere in our soul history we learned, it’s safer to stay silent. 

It all started to make more sense to me when I learned that women in ancient times that were considered “witches” were burned at the stake.

They called them “witches” but really they were the medicine women, the priestesses, the midwives, the oracles, the herbalists, the powerful, connected ones, the women who worked with the elements of the Earth and the cycles of the moon.

They were the ones who understood the power of ritual and felt in tune with the land and the animals. Their practices were seen as threatening, especially when they would come together with other women.

As I uncovered more history of what happened to these women, especially in the rise of the Catholic Church, I had a feeling that I may have been one of them.

Why were these women persecuted? 

Much of the persecution in ancient times was done by the Catholic Church, and the men in control. They were hungry for power and were threatened by these women’s direct connection to God/Source. The Church wanted to maintain their power, as the sole source of connection to God, so created a movement to persecute and kill as many of these women they could find.

However, most of us don’t remember what happened in these lifetimes, so how do we go about healing this ancient wound? 

Heal in Sisterhood 

When women come together to see and support one another without judgment, a sacred healing space is created. I can remember a few of my first women’s circles where when it was my turn to speak, I could feel my usual heart beating fast and desire to escape, but I was able to sit with it, and explore it. I felt safe enough to close my eyes and breathe through the sensations. I was able to be honest about what I was feeling. I would see the loving eyes of the other women around me, those who understood. Soon, the sensations would dissipate and I would be able to find my voice again. 

Tap into the Subconscious 

There are many ways to tap into the subconscious, a deeper inner knowing that may reveal more information to you on why you’ve been experiencing fear on such a visceral level. Past life regression, breath work, guided meditations, drum journeys, and the past life healing work I guide clients in are all ways to tap into the subconscious to reveal more information that may guide you to what you need to heal. 

Identify Core Beliefs 

Once we are able to access the underlying subconscious reasons for our fears, we can identify what core beliefs we formed about ourselves or the world in our moments of difficulty or trauma. Often women with the “witch wound” made an unconscious agreement never to share their voices again, to put themselves or others in danger. They simply learned the world is not safe, or it’s not safe to share or be visible. When we identify and uncover these beliefs, we can bring in more support and healing to change the subconscious imprints and soul agreements we weren’t aware that we had.

Heal the Memories  that Surface

Once the subconscious has been accessed and the core beliefs have been revealed, we can begin to heal the memory. I personally use EFT Tapping to somatically release the pain and trauma, validate the feelings we felt in our past lives, and free ourselves of limiting core beliefs.

We may tell ourselves, “You’re right, it wasn’t safe then, and this was horrible, but it doesn’t mean it will never be safe in the future.” You can begin to show your past self how much the world has changed, how safe they are, what opportunities will be available to them, etc. We can also begin to bring in people or resources to these memories to create a new story and picture. We can also welcome in the higher support of guides and angels to aide in the healing process of these wounds. 

Practice Sharing in Safe Spaces 

When you’ve begun to uncover and heal these memories, core beliefs and stories from the past, it’s time to start sharing in the world to affirm your new beliefs. It may still feel a little scary and unfamiliar at first, but if you feel a little bit of excitement with your nervousness, you’ll know it’s time.

Perhaps you attend more women’s circles to practice sharing in a group, attend a retreat, or maybe you would even consider joining a public speaking group like toastmasters. Whatever it is, see if you can find a space where you feel safe (maybe it’s just with one or two people in the beginning) to share your gifts and your voice. Once you begin to feel some positive feedback and encouragement around sharing your voice, it will be so much easier to be seen and share in front of more and more people.

It’s been amazing to see how far I’ve been able to come - from hiding in the back of the classroom, to leading international retreats, hosting a successful podcast, writing a book and giving talks and workshops to help others.

Remember, We Are Here to Serve

It’s so important to ask ourselves, what’s actually bigger than my fear? Very often women who identify with the witch wound also have a deep desire to give back and be of service to others. We have healing abilities and gifts for a reason, and people need them. It is safe now to find our voices, and to become a beacon of light so others can find us.

I can only imagine what may happen in our world as more women uncover and heal these wounds and begin sharing their voice and gifts. We will create a deeply healing ripple effect across all of humanity, raising and elevating consciousness across the planet. 

Are you interested in healing the Witch Wound? 

Book a series of healing sessions below

Or Book a free call to learn more. 

With love,



What is Womb Healing? How Does it Work?


We store so many powerful memories in our womb. It is the strongest organ in a woman’s body, able to grow and birth a baby, a powerful source of our intuitive guidance, and our ability to set boundaries and feel worthy in our lives. 

These days I am supporting many, many women to heal repressed emotions and trauma stored in the womb, to claim their inherent self-worth, confidence and connection to their inner light and power. 

As more people are awakening in the world to the sacred power of the feminine essence, the power to soften, to rest, to breathe and be, to turn within, many are also awakening to the power of their womb. Many Priestesses of ancient times practiced the sacred art of womb healing, among other skills such as anointing, midwifery, and sharing wisdom as an oracle. I see many women awakening to these hidden gifts now.

I believe many women who are here to be great leaders and healers go through an womb initiation in their lives. Whether it’s a health challenge, a sexual assault, an abortion or miscarriage, there are so many experiences we might go through that call us into our healing and empowerment.

An initiation is when you are faced with a challenging experience that changes you in some way - when you transform and become a different person on the other side. 

Sometimes these initiations take years to go through and find completion, and other times they complete in an instant.

When we are willing to face these challenging initiations and ask, “How could this be happening for me, instead of to me?”  we have a huge opportunity for growth and discovery of our gifts and power.

In womb healing, we revisit difficult memories from our past stored in our womb, and with the support of a skilled guide, uncover what beliefs were formed, what emotions still need to be felt, and heal the memories so that we can imprint new beliefs in the subconscious.

I hold space for women to heal their womb, including imprints from:

  • Sexual abuse: from childhood or adulthood, whether it was recurring or a single moment of assault or rape 

  • Violated boundaries: when a moment of trauma happens and we freeze - it’s in these moments we often fail to find our voice and to speak our truth

  • Abortion, miscarriage, and/or still birth

  • Challenges with fertility 

  • Shame around the womb, menstrual cycle and sexuality 

  • Physical womb health challenges such as fibroids, cysts, painful menstrual cycles, and cervical dysplasia

  • Difficult or traumatic experiences from giving birth 

  • Difficult or traumatic experiences from one’s own birth 

  • Religious / Catholic programming around the body and sexuality 

  • One’s own experiences in the womb of their mother 

  • Early memories of adoption 

  • One’s relationship to the mother line 

  • One’s relationship to receiving, self- worth, and relationship to the feminine 

The Power of the Womb 

“In the past and in present-day indigenous traditions, women have known that the womb houses the greatest power a woman possesses: the power to create on all levels. Utilized in the process of giving birth, this power of creation can also be tapped in the birth of projects, careers, personal healing, spirituality, and relationships. However, because the womb stores the energetic imprint of every intimate encounter--loving or not--the creative voice of the womb is often muffled or absent altogether, affecting the emotional, mental, and spiritual health of women and their relationships…” ~ Anaiya Sophia

What does a womb healing session look like? 

I use the modalities of EFT (Tapping) and Multidimensional Timeline Healing where we travel into memories that are ready for healing. We drop into the space of the womb, access the subconscious and compassionately connect with your younger self or past self to heal the moments of challenge or trauma. We will then allow those memories to be re-lived in a new way, and imprint the new core beliefs into your womb space.

How do I know it would be helpful for me? 

Consider these journaling questions to see if a womb healing session may be helpful for you. If you feel a “charge” come up around any of these questions, it’s a sign that a womb healing session could be calling to you…

  • When did I not honor my own boundaries?

  • When was the first time I felt violated?

  • Did I ever feel shame around my sexuality?

  • Did I ever feel shame around my menstrual cycle? 

  • How do I feel about being a woman?

  • Have I had any physical health challenges related to the womb? What could they be telling me?

  • What difficult memories are ready to be healed?

  • Do I feel worthy and enough? 

  • Have I had any abortions or miscarriages that I may still be holding grief around?

  • What was my experience of giving birth? 

  • Do I know anything about being in the womb or my own birth?

  • What's my relationship to my mother?

  • When do I struggle speaking up for myself or asking for what I want?

  • How do I feel about charging for my work?

  • What holds me back from fully expressing myself?

What are the benefits of womb healing? 

  • Helping women regain connection to their creativity

  • A deeper sense of self-worth and confidence 

  • Freedom in self-expression 

  • Living free from shame 

  • Creating new powerful beliefs around receiving and self-worth 

  • Improved relationship to children 

  • Empowered relationship to the masculine 

  • Empowered relationship to sexuality

  • Healing physical health related to the womb 

  • Recognizing that you and your voice matter 

  • A deeper ability to receive, often leading to earning more money 

  • Improved relationship to the masculine and ability to trust men, leading to improved relationships and ability to call in love 

  • Finding one’s voice and ability to speak up and set boundaries 

This work is a deep calling for me, something I have been holding space for, for lifetimes. It is a true honor to work with women in this way, and to witness the passage of a woman reclaiming her connection to her womb and power.

If you’d like to explore working together, please feel free to sign up below.

Learn More About Womb Healing Sessions

Book a complimentary call to connect


~ Book MY session NOW ~


New Moon in Libra & The Power of Patience

via @matialonsor

via @matialonsor

New moon blessings to you. This New moon lands at 7:05 AM EST in Libra (Western) and Virgo (Vedic astrology) on Wednesday, October 6th.  

What have you been noticing? How have you been feeling? 

With three planets retrograde (Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury) I’m feeling a strong pull to stillness, patience and allowing the natural unfolding of things. If you’ve been feeling challenged, this week in particular, know you are not alone. 

Mercury is super strong right now, retrograde until October 19th, the time it is closest to the Earth and exalted, bringing even more power and strength to Mercury in our field, which could enhance communication, or on the other hand, lead to over-communication, (ie) saying things we may later regret. Let’s remember to take a pause when reacting to a situation and find our center before responding.

It also doesn’t surprise me that we saw the kind of technology outages like with FB and instagram yesterday. Mercury is so strong right now, it literally short-circuited several modes of our primary communication. 

Saturn has been retrograde since May, so depending on where Saturn is transiting in your chart, this energy can bring change, challenge and/or transition (homes, careers, health, social circles, etc). Saturn can also make things feel like they are moving painfully slow, so we will start to feel relief and movement in our lives again when Saturn goes direct October 11th. Hang in there, there are just a few more days of feeling such a strong Saturnian influence. 

With all these powerful and strong planets aligning with this New Moon, I see it as a time to come deeply home to ourselves. Can we give our outer circumstances space to unfold in their own divine timing, rather than trying to push or force our own agendas? Can we nourish our bodies and our hearts in the meantime? 

Let’s dive deep into self-care, meditation, and inner reflection. Making home made meals, taking baths, being in nature, are just a few ways we can work with the energies of this new moon. 

Enjoy this article, one I wrote a few years ago on patience.

With love,



123 | Earth Intuition, Self-Compassion & Plant Spirit Healing with Asia Suler

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The timing of this conversation couldn’t have been more perfect. After living eight months on the island of Kauai and deepening my connection to the Earth and plant spirit world, I had the opportunity to sit down with writer, teacher, and earth intuitive, Asia Suler. I had just had my first dream of the island after returning to the mainland, where I greeted the ocean and it greeted me back with a big splash on my hand. I could truly feel the sentience of the plants and the land in the dream that I had been in such close relationship with.

Have you ever experienced anything like this? Feeling the aliveness of everything around you? Communicating with the unseen realms?

In this episode Asia shares her own journey of communication with the Earth and spirits of the plants. She shares about their message of self-compassion and how they work through us on behalf of our evolvement and healing.

In this episode we discussed:

  • What is earth intuition?

  • Asia’s journey of healing chronic pain through the Earth’s wisdom

  • Intuitive plant medicine

  • Mugwort and Rose medicine

  • Finding self-compassion and the true meaning of self-love

  • How to navigate being an empath and the world opening back up after shelter-in-place

  • Asia’s journey of intuitive entrepreneurship and the permission she gave herself in her writing that changed everything & opened her to her people

  • Writing a book!

  • The fears she has overcome to be where she is today

Stay in Touch with Asia:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

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Asia Suler is a writer, teacher and ecological philosopher who lives in the folds of the Blue Ridge mountains. She is the creator and concoctress of One Willow Apothecaries— an Appalachian-grown company that offers handcrafted herbal medicines and online education. Asia’s work— which is a unique combination of herbalism, animism, ancestral healing and earth-centered mysticism— is rooted in the belief that self-compassion is a force of ecological healing.  Her forthcoming book of nature writing will be available in 2022 through North Atlantic Books.


122 | Yoni Steams & Creative Entrepreneurship with Kit Maloney

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Announcement: This is the last week to book a call for the 2021-2022 Way of the Priestess Training Program with Meredith Rom. We begin June 10, 2021. Download the program guide at

I can’t believe almost seven years has passed since I first met Kit Maloney at a weekend retreat for creative entrepreneurs with Sarah Jenks and Nisha Moodley. Since then Kit has had several businesses, from focusing on female pleasure and orgasm to helping women connect with their womb and heal their relationship to their menstrual cycle.

Kit is an inspiration when it comes to following one’s intuition to take creative entrepreneurial risks. Kit now runs Kitara, a company in devotion to sharing safe and easy, in-home yoni steaming. They offer beautiful steam seats, organic herbs, consultations, community & more. With her unique blend of feminism, creativity, and determination, Kit is on a venture to spread love and healing to women everywhere.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Yoni Steaming + connecting people to their body and wombspace as a way of better understanding their intuition and access the depths of their healing

  • Kit’s story growing up in academia and shifting from achievement productivity focused masculine world to integrating feminine lifestyle shifts into her life

  • Why brown blood sometimes release at the beginning of a cycle and how to cleanse old blood through yoni steaming

  • The best time to steam

  • The big fears Kit had to overcome to follow a path of creative entrepreneurship

  • Kit’s wisdom on stepping into a more purposeful and fulfilling life

  • How we can use our intuition to inform our business decisions and endeavors

Use our discount code “RisingLove” for$10 off any yoni steam seat you purchase from Kitara

Stay in Touch with Kit:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

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For twenty years Kit Maloney has been an activist, academic, and entrepreneur committed to channeling her passion for gender equity into a celebration of women and yoni bodied folks embodied health and healing. She’s earned a Masters degree in Gender and Social Policy from the London School of Economics and has been featured widely in the media, including Glamour, Self, and Bustle.

She is also the founder of O’actually & The Pleasure Pledge, two ventures honoring female sexual pleasure (and orgasms!) for safety, healing, and empowerment. Marie Claire named Kit an "Amazing Woman" for her work celebrating women's sexuality.  


121 | Client Story: Healing After Heartbreak & Discovering a Life Full of Beauty with Mama Jenn

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Announcement: Enrollment is now open for the 2021-2022 Way of the Priestess Training Program with Meredith Rom. We begin June 10, 2021. Download the program guide at and book a call to learn more.

It’s an honor to welcome Mama Jenn to our podcast episode today! Jenn has been a client and participant in this past year’s Way of the Priestess program. She shares her story of healing her heart after a difficult break up, rediscovering her connection to Source and finding her gifts as an intuitive guide and reiki healer.

We also talk more about her experience in the program, connection with the other women, finding her voice and shifting her relationship to how she loves, honors and nourishes herself.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Jenn’s story of healing after heartbreak and finding her gifts and purpose as a healer

  • Jenn’s experience participating in the Way of the Priestess Program

  • Connecting with female archetypes

  • Deepening our connection to Source

  • Choosing love, ourselves, and self-care amidst challenges

  • Listening to the wisdom of our bodies

  • Connecting more deeply with the plant world

Stay in Touch with Jennifer:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:


Jennifer Segovia is a massage therapist, holistic health and energy medicine practioner, who supports women on their healing journey. She empowers women to return to their own creative life and the embodiment of their true power. Her purpose is to remind women of their connection to their innate feminine nature. She uses various holistic approaches such as Reiki, Shamanism, Chinese medicine, Chakra therapy, Crystal therapy, Women’s Spirituality, breathwork, meditation and other intuitive modalities. 

 Her creative process is an act of loving devotion to the divine. She lives courageously as she answers to the call of her own wild song… and by sharing her own story she encourages others to listen for theirs.

 Blending compassion and a loving spirit, she offers her work as a medium to create, healing and awaken the heart and soul of humanity.

She currently lives in Aledo, Texas and offers soul sessions, private coaching, online Reiki certification programs, retreats, workshops, and women's circles.   


120 | Crystal Bowl Sound Healing & Energy Balancing with Meredith Rom


Announcement: Enrollment is now open for the 2021-2022 Way of the Priestess Training Program with Meredith Rom. We begin June 10, 2021. Download the program guide at and book a call to learn more.

It’s an honor to welcome you to a guided journey with the singing bowls and the harmonium. I’ve been bringing these intuitive sound journeys to my clients this month over zoom and thought, “This is really what the world needs right now.”

So much healing is able to take place when we simply drop into presence and relax the nervous system.

So create a nourishing space for yourself to lie down, balance the chakras, cleanse the aura, call your energy back and form a field of protection.

Crystal tones alchemy bowls lay the backdrop for this time to relax, let go and unwind. Release stress from every day and find presence with each breath.

If you’re interested in purchasing Crystal Tones Alchemy Bowls, be in touch with Deva Munay.

Stay in Touch with Us:


The Rebirth of Venus as the Evening Star on May 15, 2021

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Did you know Venus has been hidden from Earth's view since February 1, 2021?

Venus is the planet of relationships, beauty, elegance, embodiment, harmony, feeling, desire, sensuality, love, material enjoyment, receptivity, gratitude, balance, and is often related to art, dance and music.

She is the second closest planet to the sun in our solar system. Her orbit around the sun creates a 5 petaled rose from the perspective of Earth. Her cycle takes 8 years to complete, during which there are periods where she is retrograde and direct, as well as periods where she is visible and non-visible. 

These phases have a direct impact on us here on Earth...

Last year on June 3, 2020 Venus began a new 8-year cycle. It takes 19 months for Venus to complete a full cycle, and this happens 5 times over an 8 year period to create a five-petaled rose in the sky from Earth's perspective. What magic!

Venus Rose Path

Venus Rose Path


We are at the end of a phase of inner transformation. After Venus was the morning star for 8 months (June - Feb) she was hidden from view, journeying through the underworld like the Sumerian goddess Inanna, the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and wisdom.

This has been a powerful time of initiation, a time to create a more solid foundation within ourselves, to come back to our practices and allow all that is not serving our highest alignment to be shed.

This Saturday, on May 15 Venus will rebirth as the evening star and we will have our first glimpse of her after sunset. My feeling is this will be a time of abundance and grace, receiving the gifts of wisdom and power, the way we all do after moving through a transformation.

She’ll be visible as the evening star, shining in her brightness all the way until the end of the year, when she transitions again to the underworld on Jan 2, 2022.

This is a powerful time to reflect: 

What initiations have I gone through since February? 

What is transitioning in my life now?

How have I changed and grown? 

What am I taking with me?

What am I leaving behind?

If you're interested in diving more into astrological wisdom, goddess archetypes, ritual and ceremony, I invite you to consider joining us in this year's Way of the Priestess Program

Our next cohort begins June 10th and there are still a few spaces to join us.

I've also opened my calendar to speak 1:1 with anyone considering the opportunity.

Book a free 45-min call and have the space to share about your dreams and visions and we can explore if it could be a good fit for you to join us on a path of beauty, devotion and service.

With love, 


What does it mean to embody the Priestess in our everyday life?

It is to live a life connected to the divine in each moment. To bring devotion to our daily actions (cooking, cleaning, walking, writing, praying, meditating, talking) in remembrance of God/Goddess/all that is. It is to live in a state connected to breath and intuition, honoring the essence of the sacred feminine within. It is to allow what is, to forgive ourselves and others, and to see everyone around us as a soul, a higher consciousness living in a body.

To live as the Priestess is to see life happening for us, not to us. It is co-creating with life, and surrendering when God has a bigger plan.

It is becoming the vessel, emptying out in order to receive. It is communing with nature and the divine as one. It is becoming quiet enough inside to listen to the voice of intuition. It is to listen to others with compassion and hold space for letting go and new beginnings.

It is to express, feel, release, and honor the shadow that exists within and around us. It is to gaze at the stars, to write down our dreams, and honor the cycles of our body and the seasons of the year. It is to leave this world more beautiful than we found it. It is to midwife a shift in consciousness, to welcome a Golden Age, and emanate a frequency of love to all those around us on our path...

Enrollment is now open for the next cohort of the Way of the Priestess program.

I know so many of you sisters are already living this path... and if you long for support, community, sisterhood, and guidance along the way, I invite you to join us.


High Priestess Energy ~ Am I A Priestess?

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Here are frequently asked questions about the Role of the Priestess in Modern times as well as valuable information on how to cultivate High Priestess Energy when answering the call of the Priestess Path.

How to Become a Priestess

If you are feeling the call of the priestess, chances are you have walked this path in many lifetimes. Becoming a priestess is about remembering you are a priestess and showing up as a vessel for the divine, to be of service to Creator, Great Spirit, God, Goddess energy and one’s community.

Priestess Defined

In modern times the noun “Priestess” is the title of a woman who has studied and trained, and has gained experience as a spiritual leader, spreading the knowledge of the spiritual teachings she has learned and embodied.

She teaches from her direct experience and the journey itself of becoming a Priestess has shaped her and prepared her for this role. 

It helps to have community and guidance on the priestess path of remembrance, to have a container of initiation with other sisters to claim your role and share your vows on the priestess path, but one can also self-initiate on the path of the priestess. There is no one way for one to become a priestess, however reading books, and joining a program with a guide you resonate with can be very helpful on the path.

What’s the Difference Between a Priestess and a High Priestess?

The difference between a Priestess and a High Priestess is one who has walked the path long enough to have gained deep experience and knowledge in service, ritual facilitation and leadership skills.

In ancient times the High Priestesses were often born into royal families in places such as Crete, Egypt and Anatolia. The rituals they performed ensured fertility and prosperity for the villages. They were prepared for their role since childhood and were educated for religious roles and duties. 

In modern times the noun “Priestess” is the title of a woman who has studied and trained within a lineage, and has gained experience as a spiritual leader, teacher or facilitator to create ritual and spread the knowledge of the spiritual teachings she has embodied through direct experience.

How to Cultivate High Priestess Energy

In order to cultivate High Priestess Energy, one must first find a state of empty presence. Emptying the busy-ness of the mind by listening to the breath allows one to develop the sensitivity needed to listen to the quiet whispers of the heart and soul. Underneath the surface of our thoughts, there is a deeper knowing, an intuition that exists. 

The Priestess is the vessel, the chalice, to receive higher wisdom and to bring that wisdom to those around her. For some people this will look like emanating a spiritual frequency, while for others it may look like having a spiritual business, being a healer and a guide for others. 

The Priestess often brings women together to facilitate women’s circles and rituals, especially for the High Holy Days of the Year: The Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lammas, Autumn Equinox and Samhain. 

The Priestess is highly intuitive, deeply connected to nature and tuned into the cycles of the moon. One can cultivate High Priestess energy by spending more time in nature, emptying her thoughts, and participating in ritual alone or with others.

Priestess Definition: Signs You Are a Priestess

A Priestess is here first and foremost to serve. She brings the formless into form through deep listening and communion with the divine.

She is here to raise the collective consciousness and to contribute in her own unique way, becoming a frequency of divine love.

She is here to anchor the frequency of the divine feminine, to restore balance on our planet and support ascension with an energetic shift.

There are so many ways the Priestess can serve during this time of great evolution and awakening, read this article to learn six pillars of the Priestess path.

But it also can be very lonely to walk this path alone. Do you ever struggle with the fear of being seen? The fear of being judged? Of being isolated and alone? Or being too highly sensitive? If so, read this article to learn how to heal these wounds.


Where to Find a Priestess in Modern Day Life

You may be surprised to discover Priestesses exist even in your community. More and more women are awakening to the truth that they are a Priestess and long to come together as we did in ancient times. 

While you can travel to a place like Bali to meet a Priestess in an ancient lineage like Ida Resi Alit, you can also look in your community for women’s moon circles and gatherings honoring the High Holy Days to find other women feeling called to the Priestess Path. (Sometimes even just a facebook events search or google search can lead you to connect with more women on the path). Women who are walking the path of the Priestess are often offering these types of circles publicly or online. 

You can also join a virtual community like the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation program and book a free call to see if our community could be a good fit for your next steps on the priestess path.

What is the Priestess Path?

The Priestess path includes the initiations one walks through in their everyday life to be shaped into a Priestess. In ancient times the Priestesses were brought to mystery schools to learn the sacred priestess arts, including skills such as temple dance, ritual facilitation, energy healing, tarot, developing psychic abilities, dream interpretation, sacred touch, medicine making, herbalism, nature communication, astrology, meditation, astral travel, moon wisdom, leadership skills, yoga and spiritual study, immaculate conception, essential oil making, the art of anointing, midwifery, etc.

However today, we don’t have these ancient mystery schools set up in the same way. When we feel the call of the Priestess, we have to look for the signs in our life to lead us on the Priestess path, because often there is not someone telling us where to go or how to hone our skills. Although one can feel lonely or lost at times, we can also see everything in life as our mystery school to learn, grow and ascend. One can also join a priestess program, or apprentice with a teacher to learn the sacred priestess arts.

How to Answer Priestess Call if you Feel It

The path to becoming a Priestess begins with a calling. You begin to hear a quiet inner voice speaking to your spirit, awakening you to the knowledge that your life has a purpose. Chances are you have walked the path of a Priestess for a very long time, and your soul begins to remember. 

When you hear the word, “Priestess,” there is a familiarity, a curiosity that is awakened. Becoming a Priestess is a deep and devotional process of learning how to serve in connection with Source, the Divine, the Goddess, all that is.  Sometimes this includes becoming familiar with the Dark Goddess energy, which is another facet of the divine feminine.

Spiritual service is about opening our heart, mind and hands and letting the energy of the divine work through us. 

For some people, the Priestess path is about becoming a frequency, and allowing it to emanate in all that we do. For others, becoming a Priestess will look more like a counselor, a guide and a facilitator of ritual and women’s circles. 

In any case, walking this path can feel very lonely, and it helps to have guidance, community and mentorship when you feel the call of the Priestess on the path. To answer the call, it is so helpful to look for others who are walking this path, whether you find them online or in person in your community.

What is Priestess Ritual?

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives.  A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose. Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience. Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Priestess ritual could be simple such as a womb clearing with a yoni steam, or a blessing way for a mother to be. Ritual could be a time to honor a new phase of the year, or a way to release the old and welcome the new on the path of the priestess.

Are High Priestess Rituals Safe? What Goes on During Ceremony?

While the safety of a priestess ritual depends on the safety of a container and the skill of the facilitator, Priestess rituals are generally not only safe but inspiring and transformational. 

Ritual often marks what is formally beginning or ending and the purpose of a ritual or ceremony is transformation. People may come together to honor a specific purpose. These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. 

Ritual can be a healing and powerful way to mark a big transition in life. Priestess rituals and ceremonies provide a space for one to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported. It can initiate a life change or attitude, facilitate a change already in process or name and claim a change or transformation that has already occurred. 

Sisterhood Ritual calls upon our intuition, and our ability to improvise and be present in the moment. Symbols are often used to represent the transition - they are a vehicle for human awareness, for us to access this shift or change in the psyche. 

Witnessing or being witnessed is also a powerful part of a group ritual. It is the opportunity to create a supportive space for each other to mark the transition. 

Ritual may also be done on one's own, calling in the witness of spirit and the unseen realms. To become more familiar with the art of ritual, consider joining us in our Way of the Priestess program. 


Who is a High Priestess? Am I a High Priestess?

In ancient times the high priestesses were often born into royal families and trained in religious duties to be of service in the temples and churches. In modern terms, a high priestess is one who has walked the path long enough to have gained deep experience and knowledge in service, ritual facilitation and leadership skills.

What are the Signs of High Priestess Awakening?

The first sign of a Priestess awakening within you is the feeling of a calling of a higher purpose. Certain activities in life may not have the same level of fulfillment, for example working at a job that does not have a deeper meaning. This is a sign your soul is being called to a higher purpose, to serve, to love and to devote one’s life to the divine. The next sign may be that when you hear the word, “priestess,” there is a familiarity, a recognition and inner knowing, born with love. You may feel drawn to the High Priestess in the tarot deck, be deeply connected to nature and the moon, or you may be highly intuitive, sensitive, and/or have vivid dreams. 

Priestess. What Does That Even Mean?

A Priestess is here first and foremost to serve. She brings the formless into form through deep listening and communion with the divine.  She is here to raise the collective consciousness and to contribute in her own unique way, becoming a frequency of divine love.  She is here to anchor the frequency of the divine feminine, to restore balance on our planet and support ascension through with an energetic shift.  For some people this may look like facilitating ritual and circles in her community, offering healing sessions, or simply embodying a divine frequency of love.

What Religion has a Role for the High Priestess?

The role of the High Priestess is in Wiccan traditions as well as ancient forms of Christianity, Egyptian and Hebrew traditions. Modern roles of the priestess include the ancient lineage of the rose, dating back to Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Egyptian Priestesses like Isis and Hathor. These Priestesses of the ancient past all came with stories of a new earth.

Priestess in Ancient Egypt

When the royal families ruled ancient Egypt, the Priests and Priestesses had high roles in the temples. The Pharaoh would seek counsel with the High Priests and the Priestesses would connect to the divine realms and perform ritual on behalf of the villages and royal family. These roles were honored and revered, especially in times of war or famine. Some believe Egyptian High Priestess names include Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet. Honored High Priests and Priestesses were depicted on the walls of the temples, and some temples were made in their honor.

Are you a Priestess? How to Know if you are a High Priestess.

If you feel you were a Priestess in a past life, and have a priestess awakening in you now, you may be naturally drawn to the healing arts, ritual and holding space for others. You may be considered “highly sensitive” and may have heightened intuitive or psychic skills. You may have a gift working with essential oils or herbs, have a healing touch in your hands, and/or carry a healing quality that others are drawn to.

What is Priestess Training?

Priestess training is when one begins a program or apprenticeship with an opportunity to develop one’s skills and gifts. Priestess training may include meditation practices, education about ascended masters and goddess guides, participating and leading ritual, learning about the high holy days, creating ritual, holding space, developing intuition, understanding astrology, healing past life imprints and/or sharing one’s vows as a priestess. Training as a priestess is an opportunity to learn from someone who has walked the path and can offer guidance along the way. 

What Religions have Priestesses? 

The term Priest is used more often than Priestess in modern Christianity and religions that carry on a ministry. Many modern day priestesses consider themselves “spiritual” rather than “religious” and practice their skills outside of dogma. Before the official establishment of the Christian religion, some of the holy women in ancient times were priestesses, like Anna, the grandmother of Jesus, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene. They provided an important service to the overall awakening of the mission of Christ.

Can a Priestess Tell the Future?  

Many people who consider themselves a Priestess have heightened intuitive or psychic gifts, but this is not a necessary skill to be called to the Priestess path. In the times of Avalon and ancient Egypt, the rulers would often seek counsel from the Priestesses on what to do during times of possible war or famine. Priestesses were deeply connected to the dream world and unseen realms and would be able to offer a higher perspective to the events to come.

Can a Priestess Get Married?

The question of marriage depends on the lineage and/or religion one enters into as a Priestess. While there were priestesses who lived a life of celibacy devoted to God, there were also temple priestesses who used sensual energy as a form of healing for men coming back from war. The feminine essence was so soothing to the nervous system it was revered as a healing act in some ancient temples.  Today, many modern day Priestesses choose to marry and have a family while others choose to walk a path married to the divine.

Is Priestess Masculine or Feminine?

While we all have feminine and masculine energy within, the archetype of the Priestess is inherently feminine. Some believe the role of the modern day Priestess is to restore the balance of sacred feminine on our planet; for humanity to channel and live in devotion to Mother Earth, to live connected to Source, to slow down, practice forgiveness, listen, feel and heal our pain rather than be in a constant state of achievement, action and doing. Many believe the essence of the feminine is what the world needs most now to enter into the Golden Age.

What it Means to be a Priestess in your Everyday Life

To be a Priestess in everyday life is to live a life connected to the divine in each moment. It is to do our daily actions (caring for the body, cooking, cleaning, walking, writing, praying, meditating, talking) in devotion to God/Goddess/all that is. It is to live in a state connected to breath and intuition, honoring the essence of the sacred feminine within. It is to allow what is, to forgive ourselves and others, and to see everyone around us as a soul, a higher consciousness living in a body. 

Living as the Priestess is to see life as happening for us not to us. It is becoming the vessel, emptying out in order to receive. It is communing with nature and the divine as one. It is becoming quiet enough inside to listen to the voice of intuition. It is to listen to others with compassion and hold space for letting go and new beginnings. It is to gaze at the stars, to write down our dreams, and honor the cycles of our body and the seasons of the year. It is to leave this world more beautiful than we found it. It is to midwife a shift in consciousness, to welcome a new Golden Age, and emanate a frequency of love to all those around us on our path.

What it Means to Be a High Priestess Out in the World

To live as a high priestess in the world is to facilitate ritual, embody the spiritual lessons we have learned, and share knowledge through leadership and teaching. One may lead circles and ritual in devotion to the new and full moon and high holy days, lead circle for rites of passage such as a woman’s first menstrual cycle, menopause, birth, death, welcoming a baby into a family, going through a divorce, getting married, leaving home for the first time, and the list goes on.  Any big life transition can be honored with ritual, as a way of releasing what was and welcoming what is to come. 


High Priestess Tarot

The High Priestess is roman numeral II in the major arcana of the tarot deck. (A two or eleven in numerology). It is the card of mystery and psychic wisdom. In Kim Krans, The Wild Unknown Tarot she describes, “The High Priestess sits in stillness. From there she’s able to access realms others pass by without noticing, the vast world of intuition, dreams and mystery. She uses silence and non-action to harness this power. Sometimes this card appears to remind you to listen more closely to the voice within. Other times it’s a sign to look past the obvious, to find what’s being kept secret or hidden within a given situation. Acknowledge the shadows.” 

When one often pulls the High Priestess card in the tarot deck, it could be a sign that the path of the Priestess is calling to you.  It could also be a sign that a great teacher and leader lives inside of you and is ready to be honored. 

The High Priestess card in Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Guidance Oracle cards reads, “Your wisdom extends back into the far reaches of ancient times. You’ve brought this knowledge forward into your present incarnation, to be a way-shower so that others may benefit from your experiences. Don’t delay in expressing this wisdom. I will assist you in manifesting platforms for your spiritual teaching, whether it’s through teaching by example, or through writing or speaking. All forms of teaching are equally valuable, no matter how many lives you touch.” 

Pulling the high priestess card may be beckoning you to share your voice, write books or articles, lead workshops, be a role model, look for opportunities to teach, honor your divinity and know that you are a leader. 

Use of Divinity Tools and Crystals 

The priestess often has a set of tools and crystals she goes to for energetic clearing of a space and amplifying a ritual. Lighting sage, palo santo, or diffusing essential oils can help clear a space before a ritual. Holding quartz crystals can also be very cleansing and purifying. A priestess practice is to wash your crystals under the light of the full moon to cleanse and charge them up. One may use feather wands to clear energy, or have sacred stones or talking sticks to use in a ceremony. Divinity tools can be made or found in nature and are also not necessary to facilitate a powerful ritual.

If I am Called, Can I become a High Priestess in the Near Future?

One becomes a priestess through the remembrance and recognition of the essence she holds within. Some people may want more guidance and support on the priestess path, where it can help to join a program like the Rising Women Leaders Way of the Priestess program, or find a mentor to apprentice with. To become a high priestess is a lifelong path of devotion and dedication to the divine and the skill of spiritual leadership, ritual and facilitation. If you are just starting on your path, continue reading articles, books, and look for communities where you can learn and practice your inherent gifts. I send all my love on your path of remembrance, and invite you to meet mentors and listen to over 100 episodes about Women’s leadership on the Rising Women Leaders podcast.


"Be Easy on Yourself"


“Be easy on yourself”

I can say this one to others, no problem, but when it comes to myself, I’ve found it to not be as simple…

For the past month especially, I’ve been unearthing subconscious stress patterns I’ve been holding in my body, probably for the last 18 years. (Thanks to my friend Karen for telling me about the Curable app)

More and more I’m understanding the root of the headaches/chronic pain/jaw tension I’ve experienced may be the impossible standards I sometimes hold myself to… ways of thinking and being that have gotten so normal to me that I couldn’t even consciously see them.

When I see someone else being hard on themselves, shifting into fear, worry or stress, it’s easy for me to see how crazy and irrational the mind can be, but not as easy when it comes to myself.

My partner has been a really good mirror for me with this one, helping me learn to take the pressure off, to let things be messy, to remember to play and love myself when I make mistakes.

Here are some other reminders I’ve been telling myself lately that I thought you may also find useful:

  • It’s impossible to make everyone happy all the time 

  • Mistakes happen. It’s a quality of being human. We didn’t come here to be perfect, we came here to learn

  • There are more valuable things in life than checking everything off the to do list

  • Our body will never be “perfect” to the ego’s standards, so we may as well start loving the one we got now 

  • We’re exactly where we need to be for a reason. Don’t try to rush it or move faster than what is natural

  • Sometimes a messy home is the exact medicine we need 

  • It’s ok to take a break and rest in the middle of the day even if it’s not done 

  • Some things may never get done, and that’s ok, chances are it was something we didn’t really want to do anyway

  • Having the (enter your vice of choice here) is not such a bad thing, what’s worse is the self=punishment or guilt we put ourselves through after doing it

  • We’re probably not going to have a perfect morning practice every day, and that’s ok. It’s important to celebrate where we’re at

Do you ever hold subconscious stress in the body? Hold extremely high standards for yourself? What do you do or say to ease up the pressure?

Feel free to leave a comment below.

With love, 


P.S. I'll be leading another cohort of the Way of the Priestess Program this year. 🎉 

A beautiful group is already forming and we begin June 10, 2021. If this is something you've been considering, I invite you to check out the program guide here.


119 | Remember Why You Are Here: A Channeled Message from Source with Meredith Rom

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There's an intense amount of pressure we often put on ourselves to achieve, to do, and be productive. How can we know when it's ok to rest?

Even in spiritual communities, it's easy to get stuck in the cycle of constant productivity, as if our self-worth was dependent on it. So how do we break the cycle?

In this episode I share a channeled message from source to remind you that you're not here to be a machine. You're a human being with feeling and depth, a divine soul, here to be and to shine. Your mere existence is enough. Take ten minutes to let go into the abyss, listen to this message and remember who you came here to be. 

At the end, I also share how to begin your own channeling practice to begin receiving your own messages directly from Source.

Transcript of Message:

Dear Beloved Soul,

Thank you for taking the time to reconnect with me. Your presence here is greatly honored and appreciated. I’m here to remind you of what is real. We make all the to do’s and tasks seem so much more real and urgent than they really are. You get to live a life of beauty and presence, right here and now. Let go of all the pressures weighing on your heart and head. Take the pressure off. You are a divine soul, here to be and shine. Your existence is enough. There’s nothing more you need to do. Simply follow the innocent yes of your heart to have fun, to serve, to rest and to create beauty.

Offer your burdens to me. There’s nothing more you need to do but be patient. I love you just as you are. The idea that you need to change in any way to receive my love is false. Wait for the natural impulse to act. Until then, rest. Be still. Wait. There isn’t really anything better than here and now on the other side. Even then you may find yourself waiting for another imagined future. Be still. Wait. Take your time. No one out there needs you to be different or more productive. You are not a machine. You are a human with feelings and depth. Let go into the abyss of all that you are and came here to be. I will always provide for you. Decisions will be made in divine time. There’s nothing you need to do.

The only problem in your culture is you are uncomfortable in the nothingness. This is why we called together this great time of stillness and slowing down. To be present with all you were avoiding. And still, many of you added more to your plates. The ego is illusory, but very deceptive and cunning. It will trick you into imaginary pressures, but that is all they are, imaginary. I am the truth and the way. Sending you so much love,

The Higher Source Within You

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