Client Stories

“Thank you to all my clients and students - past, present and future for your trust in me and your willingness to face your fears and be a beacon of light in this world. ”
~ Karen Prosen, Therapist, Designer
“All of my creative dreams have come true with Meredith's guidance.”
She's the light that burns alongside you as you walk the path to feminine leadership, casting out your fears and helping you find your own flame. With her support, I went from skating the poverty line to meeting my income goals in my 1-1 healing and coaching work, selling out 6 retreats and 2 group coaching programs. She's helped me reach hundreds to thousands of women across the globe, and showed me that what I thought was impossible was actually my destiny. My deepest bow to you Meredith!
~ Mamá Jenn, Intuitive Healer at Moon Diosa
“Working with Meredith has been transformational.”
Under her mentorship I was able to break so many limited beliefs that were holding me back in my personal practice and in different areas of my life. She brought me back to a place deep inside my heart that had been shut down by many different layers of fear. She provided the perfect space for me to feel safe as I allowed myself to nourish and heal from layers of deep seeded ancestral trauma. Her warmth and love nourished my heart in ways that I will be forever grateful. Her program provided valuable information that refined my practice in more impactful ways. I highly recommend The High Priestess Program to anyone who is ready to learn how to step into their power and embark on a personal development journey that will uplift, rejuvenate and transform your life.
~ Casey Chan, Leadership Coach, Hong Kong
“There was so much ongoing support throughout the 10 months to help me integrate the teachings, which was absolute perfection on every level.”
I first signed up for a connection call with Meredith after hearing about this program on her podcast. I was at the very beginning of my healing journey, and I remember actively seeking for Something. I hadn't known exactly what that Something was, but I intuitively sensed that this program would be able to provide me with it. Looking back now, I realize I felt lonely without guidance on this spiritual path and I was seeking for connection, meaningful conversations, learning about sacred wisdom & ancient teachings, and above all being witnessed. And this program 100% did not disappoint.
Being in Meredith's presence, whether it is in a 1:1 coaching call or within the larger container of this Priestess Way program, I am always able to drop in to healing and my heart's wisdom deeply and easefully. And I believe that we are only ever able to do this, when the teachers themselves are fully embodied and devoted to their Truth and Divine Work. Meredith also has a very compassionate, mama bear energy that makes me feel really safe, loved and witnessed.
One thing that absolutely blew my mind was how my life lessons synchronized each month with the respective goddess energy that we were learning about in the program. When we were connecting with Mary Magdalene, I was being initiated into embodying Divine Love & Forgiveness and started the healing process of my relationship with my mother. When we were connecting with Lakshmi, I was naturally open to witnessing where abundance flowed in my life and got to receive so much more such as a 30% pay raise; it was such a fun month! When we were connecting with Kali Ma, old patterns with my partner and my day job all bubbled up to the surface and there was nowhere to hide, I was gracefully invited to sit in the discomfort, and look at all the areas in my life where there were misalignments. The program was delivered in such Divine timing, and not only was I able to learn about the teachings consciously, I was also able to embody & understand them through my experiences. In between sessions, there were live calls, accountability sister calls and 1:1 coaching with Meredith.
There were so many transformations that happened since the program, that I am unable to pinpoint just what exactly changed in me. Ultimately, this program walked me through one of my biggest initiations in this life that is Love - from rejecting so many aspects of myself and others that I deemed unworthy of love, to being able to choose to look through the lens of Love and recognize the Divine in every being, this transformation has been so important to me as I step into my role as a healer, a teacher, a priestess, a creatrix. I have also cultivated a much more profound connection to myself and the Divine, which is a really empowering medicine to receive.
“Meredith is such a beautiful, kind hearted and supportive soul sister and I am so honoured to have had the pleasure of learning from her.”
~ Karissa Howard, Soulful Guide, Australia
I was randomly flicking through podcasts on a walk when I came across Meredith’s Rising Women Leaders podcast. I had never heard of Meredith Rom or her work, but I automatically felt drawn to her. When I heard Meredith explain her Priestess Program, I knew it was for me. To say it changed my life would be a complete understatement.
I learned so much about the world and about myself that I didn’t think was possible. The information I learned from Meredith was incredible, every part of my life has been impacted, my relationships, spiritual practice, finances, work, my relationship with myself and with my children is all so much stronger as a result. If you are reading this and are not sure whether to join the program, honestly do it. You will not look back.
I felt supported by the group of sisters like nothing I had experienced before. I met soul sisters that I’ll have for life and I am so much more in tune with who I really am as a result of this program.
I am located in Australia but the times still worked well for me, I woke before the rest of my household to participate in the live calls, but if I ever missed a live call I always watched the replay and felt the energy as if I was participating live.
The peace, the inner calm and strong sense of self that I have now as a result of beautiful Meredith is something that I am so very grateful for, I would encourage everyone to do this program, it will truly change your life.

Client Stories

~Sierra Rose
I was drawn to Meredith’s feminine and spiritual approach. I absolutely loved working with her and I cannot believe everything that came to fruition – everything I intended and more!
…Including creating my business and successfully launching and running my first program. I absolutely could not have done it without Meredith, without receiving her guidance and support throughout the process.
I had some ideas floating around about online programs and offerings, but I had no idea how to implement them… I was asking myself, can I actually do this? Am I cut out for this?
Meredith holds a sacred space to give rise to the heart’s truest desire and service. She asks powerful questions that lead to many openings and insights, and she intuitively weaves in other healing and transformational modalities (EFT tapping has been life changing for me!) that makes for a rich and holistic experience. She is sincerely passionate and highly skilled as a coach, mentor and guide. I love how much the program content connects back to the individual participating. It allows for meaningful work that truly draws from your unique soul, passions, and skills. The program content is so comprehensive; it made me feel truly supported each step of the way and so excited about creating my business.
This business accelerator with Meredith has honestly been a profound journey of personal and spiritual growth. We worked through many limiting beliefs and fears around social media presence, reaching clients, and receiving money. I feel confident and empowered in the gifts I have to offer, and deeply connected to my heart and soul. Infinite bows and thanks to you Meredith! You are truly fulfilling your mission, a profound mission at that, in the work that you do.
~ Shaina Gadow, www.shainagadow.com
”I was drawn to work with Meredith for her intuitive, insightful, and just beautiful way of being
I met Meredith soon after discovering my desire to pursue life coaching and knew I was ready to really step into my purpose.
Meredith helped me do deep healing with EFT/Matrix Reimprinting and I also really loved how she was able to reframe the way I was thinking to get me out of my own loop and out of my own way to step into more positivity and empowerment.
I’m now reducing my tendency to be a perfectionist and embracing a beginner's mind, I know my voice matters and am embracing the process and enjoying the journey.”
~ Ellen Roggemann of Wild-Still, Petaluma, CA
I chose to work with Meredith because she had an ease and a trust that never felt pushy and did not play on feelings of insecurity like so many service-offerings do.
I had convinced myself that I was overwhelmed and confused about my business. I look back now after all I have learned from and with Meredith and realize how much that was my fear. I am not overwhelmed. I am not confused. I know who I am, what I have to give, and who I would feel blessed and honored to work with through my business. It was just scary to really lay claim to those things and to take the steps to make them real.
Meredith made space for all that is part of being an entrepreneur, the practical, the spiritual, the emotional. Working with her I was able to name my business, define my message and style, launch successfully generating 3K in my first month, and map out a longer term vision for my services. "
~ Kimberly Rhodes, Guidance with Grace
An email from Kimberly, shared with permission:
“I wanted to talk a moment to offer my gratitude for all that you have done for myself and the other participants over the last couple of months. Your program exceeded my expectations. i didn't even know how much I needed this. Your program is rich with information. (That of which I am still diving into, excited.)
I want to express my warm thoughts to you, Meredith. My confidence is growing and I feel trusting to write again, and my free-flowing words are mine and unique. So happy to remember that part of me.
You have given me more than a program to follow along to. You sparked joy in a process I had attempted before but always failed thinking I wasn't capable of building something so grand. As I write this now. I am full of wonder and excitement for where my business will go. I am grateful through the process, and most importantly I am giving myself the Grace & Kindness to complete this project with newfound confidence and a voice that genuinely comes from the heart.
Thank you for coming into my life and being a gentle soul that didn't judge. I am no longer the shy woman who thought she couldn’t create a loving program. I am more organized and dedicated than ever! I cant say enough.”
~ Devon Loftus, Moon Cycle Bakery
"I'm now experiencing SO much more self-acceptance, more creativity + love in my life, more surrender, trust + faith in the universe, synchronicities, connections, messages + intuition."
I reached out to Meredith at a time in my life where I was tired of being afraid and letting fear run my reality. I wanted to find that self-acceptance and belief in myself that I could succeed and would succeed. That feeling that I knew was deep inside. I was speaking with my close friend and she spoke of a wonderful woman who could put you at ease simply by the sound of her voice + I knew I needed to talk with her, too. That wonderful woman was Meredith :)
I loved the space Meredith held. I felt that I could talk about anything and everything, bare every emotion + judgement + fear and that I would never be shamed for it. I also loved having an accountability partner. It helped immensely knowing that someone I trusted + someone that cared for me wanted me to succeed and was helping in overseeing that.
The coaching materials were like little roadmaps. Whenever I felt like I didn't know where to turn to next, the materials brought me back on course + reminded me that everything was doable.
Coaching has opened me up to believe in myself. It's helped me realize that I am capable of creating anything I desire. That I deserve it + that there is so much waiting for me. It's also given me the tools to take my dreams and creations and turn them into a successful business and joyful life.
~ Theres Guggenbühl, Yoga Teacher and Designer at Anjali Yoga Dance, Zurich, Switzerland
"Working with Meredith was life changing."
When I found her website, I read all her blog posts on one weekend. After that, I knew I had to work with her in one way or another.
At the time, I was exhausted. I felt stuck in my professional and personal life, and I didn’t feel well in my body or aligned in my work. My calling didn’t inspire me anymore. I was scared to share my voice.
Meredith was always very kind and understanding and at the same time pushed me enough so I was able to make great change in my life. The program was very organized and covered everything I had to work on. At the same time, she always focused on the things that were the most important for me at that moment and didn’t just try to apply a cookie cutter system on my life.
Now I am much more confident in offering what I have to share with the world and because of that I have increased my income significantly.
My life is really great now. I am healthy, successful and happy. My whole life has changed completely. I was able to leave an unhealthy relationship and concentrate on my self-care and wellbeing while focusing on my purpose and business.
"Since working with Meredith, I have been feeling clarity, compassion and grace. I'm so happy in a way I've longed to embrace..."
I contacted Meredith when I reached a point in my growth in which I desired for a deeper connection with my self and my inner truth. I felt like I needed to take the next step I was open to learning methods to heal my need to contact my intuition and also gain the strength to live my passions.
I started listening to my internal dialogue and noticed a desire to get better at graphic arts, write, and take the turn to develop my ideas and put them into action steps. I now feel a greater willingness to share my gifts without self-doubt.
Since this program, I've been recommending Meredith to all my friends and sharing little pieces of my experiences with them.
~ Meli Lehua, Hawaii

~ Amy Winzer, Potter Valley, CA
"I feel more confident, less in my head and more joyful to share what I have to offer."
I have benefitted so much from feeling the support and community of magnificent women in her programs. I’ve received so many ideas for my own personal practice and classes through meditation techniques and approaches to asana. I feel safe to come as I am and always feel so nourished by the end of the calls. I would describe Meredith as an inspiring, dream-manifester, grounded and honest, so kind and heartfelt.
~ Alexandra Freitas, Yoga Teacher and Doula, Portland Oregon
"Now, the fear of what other people may think of me has become less important than speaking my truth."
I used to think what I had to share with people was not important or that I would say something wrong. I was afraid of public speaking and how people saw me. Meredith has held the space for me to face my fears with love and compassion.
~ Jasmine Amara, CA, Photographer at JasmineAmara.com
"I loved Meredith's genuine belief in me, her constant encouragement and light gave me inspiration to move forward."
When I joined Meredith’s program, I was looking to learn organizational skills, to expand my business, create more income for myself and to gain more confidence in my work.
I left with confidence, sisterhood, improvements on my website and a new belief in a thriving business.
This program was so powerful. It proved to me that manifestation is real. I moved on from an ex-partner and shifted into loving myself more fully. I am grateful for the time I shared with the group and will take the teachings I have learned into my personal practice for years to come.
~ Karen Prosen, Therapist and Designer
"I was immediately inspired by Meredith's bravery and authenticity."
Before my first time working with Meredith I was at a job that I hated and I had a lot of fear about my gifts. I was preoccupied with worry about my finances and felt disconnected from my truth. What I liked most about working with Meredith was how she helped shift my perspectives when I was talking down to myself. She provided resources, tools and exercises that supported me in maintaining what I actually wanted. I quit my draining job, I met my income goal in my hypnotherapy practice, and I launched my website to support women all over the world in healing their relationships to food.
Elise C. Siegel, Theta Medicine & Visionary Performing Artist
"Meredith is a powerhouse! Her wisdom & coaching and presence was invaluable. She cared deeply about my success."
I came to Meredith because I was feeling so called to start my business but felt totally lost when it came to the grounded, action-oriented steps. I didn't know how to go from my ideas into having a real, physical offering.
Meredith’s program felt so easy! Everything flowed with such perfection and grace in terms of how the course material built upon itself and integrated with our in-class process.
Because of my work with Meredith I am now experiencing results! I met all of my goals and more! I got exactly what I asked for. I now know and have put into action the skills to promote and live my work.
This has been a revelation for me. For a long time, I’ve felt called to offer my healing services & performance to the world but didn’t have the support to do so. This sisterhood has given me permission to break free of the final bonds of doubt in my ability to shine! I am graciously accepting my role now, and so filled with gratitude.
I would absolutely recommend working with her for those who are truly ready to commit. They will find support and success.
~ Alison Rasmussen, Yoga Teacher, Dancer and Mom at Alison-Rasmussen.com
"I now have so much opportunity in front of me. I have the courage to go for it and I'm no longer letting myself get in the way."
I have gone from seriously doubting if I’d ever teach yoga to now having 5 weekly classes, teaching at the ballet school (a dream of mine as a dancer), and enrolling in school again. I think I’ve found myself in a position where there is now so much possibility for the future. I can’t believe how far I have come in less than a year. I’m just so much more aware of what is draining my energy and what is causing stress in my life. Just the power of knowing those triggers makes it so much easier to step back & breathe before reacting. I’m realizing how many of my fears are really just based in stories that I’ve told myself for years.
Meredith cultivates a warm, inviting, nonjudgmental environment to allow myself to feel whatever I may be feeling. She has an uncanny ability to provide just the right resources that my soul is craving at that moment in order to understand that I am not alone and then develop the courage to challenge my fears.
Since working with Meredith, I feel the protective blocks I’ve put up for myself starting to melt away. I’m daring to take the steps that scare me and work past the inner voice that says “I’m not enough.” She has helped me take a look at my life holistically and identify where I can let go in order to create more ease and learn to nourish my whole being.
~ Hannah Choi, New York, NY
"Meredith asked me questions that made me rethink my life's potential. She expanded my horizons, and taught me that possibilities truly are limitless."
At the time, I was struggling with physical and emotional issues that were keeping me from living a truly vibrant life.
Meredith is such a genuine, gentle soul. She was so easy to talk to, and gave the most helpful suggestions for everything I was going through. She was understanding of how much I was capable of doing myself, but still pushed me to challenge myself when she felt like I could do more.
A lot has changed in my life since I began working with Meredith. Physically, I feel like my body has been finding its way back to a healthy rhythm, after years of abuse. Emotionally, I feel at peace and able to cope with life’s stressors. And spiritually, I feel connected to something bigger than myself.
And I’m very much looking forward to continuing on my life journey with the tools and wisdom I learned from working with such a gifted, amazing person.”

~ Juliana Louise, Designer, Denver, CO
"Meredith is an enduring positive force in my life."
From everyday worries to more profound anxieties about work, school and relationships, she encourages me to approach challenges with an open mind and a relaxed attitude. Insightful and perceptive, she is quick to point out when my energy would best be channeled elsewhere when I expend too much of it on insignificant imperfections. Her holistic approach to wellness allows her to address issues concerning the body and the mind with an equal amount of confidence.
She is an inspiration and constant reminder that only self-doubt can keep you from becoming the person you want to be and living the life you want to live.