117 | Food, Pleasure & Feminine Archetypes with Numana-Allie McFee



Do you ever struggle with your relationship to food? Where sometimes you eat your emotions, or use food to procrastinate, especially right before your moon-time comes?

This week’s podcast guest, Numana-Allie McFee offers a radical approach for new paradigm thought-leaders to shift their patterns with emotional eating + food.

By working through her own past struggles of emotional eating, burn out and hormonal imbalance, she offers knowledge on which foods to eat for each phase of the menstrual cycle, how to tap into eating from your intuition, and working with feminine archetypes to discover what you are truly craving…

  • The Wild Womxn (during PMS)

  • Inner Child

  • Rejected Teenage Rebel

  • Sex Goddess yearning pleasure

  • Burned Out Superwomxn 

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Allie came to support people with food

  • Her journey of finding hormonal balance after transitioning off birth control pills

  • Nourishing foods when recovering from burnout

  • The most beneficial foods to eat during each phase of the menstrual cycle

  • How to heal the 5 archetypes that can lead to emotional eating

  • Tapping into pleasure in food, business and beyond

  • All about Allie’s Soul food program

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Numana-Allie McFee is a Womxn’s Health Educator, Hormone Balancing Chef, Red Tent Facilitator, Certified Tantric Practitioner. She helps busy heart-centered space-holders of the divine feminine remain in their power, pleasure and purpose with hormone balance recipes, exquisite self-care rituals in her online programs, cooking classes, retreats, and 1:1 coaching. She also facilitates Womb-Space Clearing practices to help womxn honor their “sacred no,” by creating boundaries, releasing emotional stagnation, and radically loving their bodies and sexuality. For more information, recipes + online classes, visit www.ModernGoddessLifestyle.com and follow her on Instagram and Facebook at @moderngoddesslifestyle.


116 | Authentic Relating & Being with the Uncomfortable with Kendra Cunov



Finding intimacy with others begins with becoming intimate and honest with ourselves. In this episode with Kendra Cunov, we discuss the difficult habitual patterns we can get into as women seeking comfort and validation from our relationships.

After years of dating men who were not fully available to commit to partnership, Kendra decided to take a break from dating and men altogether. She knew this was what she needed to get to the bottom of what was having her stay in deeply unfulfilling dynamics. She made a commitment to get in right relationship with The Masculine, to figure out what she really wanted in a relationship, and to liberate her own desire to love and be loved.

Since then, she has worked with thousands of men, women & couples in the areas of embodiment, intimacy, and true self-expression. She also leads a program for women to embark upon a similar journey she went on, called The No-Man Diet.

In this conversation we also discuss the energetics behind our actions, and be sure to listen to the end because I love her response when asked, “What advice do you have for a woman feeling dissatisfied with her life right now?”

We hope you enjoy the show.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Relating to self and the world and how Kendra was drawn to the world of truth-telling and relationships

  • Kendra’s program, “The No Man Diet” and how she’s been helping women release addictive and unhealthy patterns in relationship to men

  • Cultivating intuition and giving ourselves permission to listen to it

  • The energetics behind our actions and why we sometimes say something that is received differently than we expected

  • The journey of finding self worth and learning to value yourself

  • Courage and how to live from a place of authentic self-expression

  • Getting really honest with where you are at and the powerful words of wisdom Kendra has for women feeling dissatisfied in their lives

Stay in Touch with Kendra:

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Founder of The Collective: A Global Web of Women Devoted to Embodied Wholeness, Kendra Cunov has been studying, facilitating, and (most importantly) practicing Authentic Relating, Embodiment Practices & Deep Intimacy Work for over fifteen years.

Kendra has worked with thousands of men, women & couples in the areas of embodiment, intimacy, communication & full self-expression.

She co-founded Authentic World & Fierce Graceas well as The Embodied Relationship Training Salon (with John Wineland), and pioneered some of the most cutting edge relation work on the planet.

Kendra has consulted for companies such as Genentech & been on staff for 4PC, an elite mastermind for the top 4% of coaches in the world.

She works with organizations & leaders, as well as men, women & couples, who know that embodied presence, truth, connection & integrity are our truest access points to success – in business & in love.


115 | Akashic Wisdom & Trusting Ourselves with Jet’aime Cherée Cerge



It’s an honor to welcome sister Jet’aime to the Rising Women Leaders podcast. I met Jet’aime on the island of Kaua’i this past Fall and instantly felt the power and wisdom she holds. Through the Akashic Records, an etheric Library of everything that has ever happened, is happening, and could happen, she empowers people to see their life through the soul’s spiritual perspective to better understand all they are and all they can become.

In this episode we discussed:

  • What are ley lines and how we can work with the grid

  • Jet’aime’s recent trip to Egypt

  • God/Goddess empowerment

  • Trusting our intuition and imagination

  • The Akashic Records & what it means to read them

  • How to come back into remembrance on a daily basis

  • Insight and empowerment for trusting ourselves and our gifts this coming year

Stay in Touch with Jet’aime:

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Jet’aime Cherée Cerge is a healer, facilitator, green witch, spiritual entrepreneur, and akashic ambassador on the priestess path of remembering and reclaiming the sacred voice of the goddess within. Jet’aime owns Saje Sanctuary, metaphysical musings for the modern mystic, an herbal apothecary, crystal shop and studio offering tarot, akashic record, past life and astrology readings, breathwork, yoga, aura photography, sound baths, and more. Her journey of reclaiming her soul gifts has included traveling all over the world to Thailand, Scotland, Egypt, Ireland, Hawaii, Sedona, Guatemala and other mystical locations, learning from indigenous and expat mentors and elders in all realms of ancestral practices unveiling the many mysteries that we have been making our way back to for lifetimes. Jet’aime has declared her mission to be one of empowerment and remembrance of our royal and ancient origins linking us with the eternal and sovereign god/goddess within. Jet’aime fosters divine dialogue in the belief that revealing our true authentic selves in community containers is the path of reclaiming our magick and our power and ultimately that we are the source of our own sorcery. 


114 | The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age with Meredith Rom

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Enrollment is now open for the 2020-2021 Way of the Priestess Training Program with Meredith Rom. Download the program guide at risingwomenleaders.com and book a call to learn more.

This episode is an excerpt from our recent webinar, The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age. Sign up to watch the whole replay here.

In this episode you’ll learn about:

  • The archetype of the priestess and why this role is so needed at this time

  • 6 spiritual tools for times of rapid acceleration and ascension

  • Practices to clear and heal the 5 core wounds of the priestess

  • Pillars of the priestess path + how to activate your soul gifts for world change

  • You’ll also get an inside look at the Way of the Priestess Training Program

Links in this Episode:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

Meredith Rom is a yoga teacher, author, women’s leadership coach and host of the Rising Women Leaders podcast. She supports women to heal past wounds and release limiting beliefs to fully embrace their greatest gifts and soul callings. Her mission is to see women shining at their brightest, owning their worth and using their voice to be a beacon of light for others to awaken in this world.

After graduating from NYU she followed her intuition to Northern California where she now teaches yoga and mentors women to rise in courage, self-love and feminine leadership.  

Learn more at www.meredithrom.com and on instagram @risingwomenleaders.


113 | Legacy, Leadership & Believing in Your Gifts with Rachel Proctor



It’s an honor to welcome Rachel Proctor, an online educator helping people transform their lives through faith and online business to our Rising Women Leaders community. We touched on all the challenges we face as entrepreneurs in the online world: fear, self-doubt, the inner critic, comparing ourselves to those who are our inspirations, how to handle trolls and so much more.

Rachel not only shares her firsthand experiences, vulnerable moments, challenges and successes rising as a leader in online business, but also through running a campaign for mayor in her town outside of Dallas, Texas. If you’ve been having trouble believing in yourself, your gifts or your dreams, you may just find the motivation you need to take your first step in today’s conversation.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Making courageous business decisions (even when the odds are against you)

  • Finding your unique voice in a crowded mediascape  

  • How to approach what scares us through mindset practices

  • How “failing” leads to our greatest success stories

  • How to navigate “compare and despair” in entrepreneurship

  • What Rachel learned from six years in local politics and her reflections after running for mayor in her town outside of Dallas, Texas

  • How to navigate the people who “attack” or speak up against you when you are taking big strides in your life and career

  • The role of faith in Rachel’s life and work as an entrepreneur

  • Bringing Black business owners/entrepreneurs to the forefront through education and building upon the principles and actions used by previous generations of Black business owners to achieve success in the face of inequality

Stay in Touch with Rachel:

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Author, speaker, and second-generation entrepreneur Rachel L. Proctor helps people turn ideas into successful online businesses. A self-proclaimed market research junkie, Rachel has hit seven-figure sales marks as she’s built a versatile and trusted learning resource hub for aspiring and successful business owners alike. Dedicated to equipping entrepreneurs with the skills needed for success, Rachel provides free business training on concepts including branding, budgeting, profitability, productivity, and more. With an emphasis on real-world skills, accessible technology, and holistic learning, Rachel helps students pinpoint their unique ideas and turn them into profitable, life-changing business ventures.


112 | Intuition & Channeling with Jessica Reid

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I truly believe deepening our connection to our body’s wisdom and direct connection to source and intuition is a key tool for us in our ascension process. When we are tapped in, tuned in and able to decipher our own intuitive messages, we know how to feel, love and make empowered choices on our path for the highest good of all.

I sat down with Jessica Reid to discuss intuition, connecting to spirit guides and channeling. Is it something we all have, or something we can cultivate? How do we begin this connection if it is more foreign to us? And what if we have been opening to our psychic abilities but it is overwhelming or scary? Jessica answers these questions and more in this week’s episode.

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Jessica first connected with her spirit guides 

  • How she navigated the intensity of feeling other people’s emotions as an empath

  • How to connect with your spirit guides and use your intuition to discover your soul purpose and direction in life 

  • Clairvoyancy, channeling and purpose fulfillment

  • A live channeled message from Mary Magdalene

Stay in Touch with Jessica:

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P. S. Thank you to Feedspot for selecting us as one of the Top 100 Self Love Podcasts on the web!

Jessica Reid is a Global Clairvoyant, Channel and Founder of SpiritGirlsCollective.com and GiftedExperts.com.

Jessica's expertise is to connect and communicate with Spirit to bring through guidance along your highest path. Although she is even more passionate about helping you to utilise your own intuitive gifts - So you can have your Spirit Guides on speed dial too!

But she's also just a fun, girly-girl, who travels, loves horse riding & camping out in nature.


111 | Getting Answers from the Universe with Aimée Cartier

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It’s a joy to have Aimée Cartier back on the Rising Women Leaders podcast to share her 4-part Getting Answers process. As SO MANY things in our lives feel unknown and changing, we are often left with so many unanswered questions.  On all levels it seems clear that changes are needed in order to deal with the current challenges we are facing– from our health, to our livelihoods, to racial inequities, to climate change.  New solutions are needed.

How do we get those answers?  How do we get those personal answers for ourselves during this unique moment in history we are living?  Questions like, “What is the best way for me to stay healthy?”, “How do I create financial stability for my family?”  Or “How do we continue to move forward, discern, find clarity and solutions in a world on fire?”

Aimée suggests it is absolutely possible and that furthermore it is not that hard.  In this episode she teaches a very simple process that anyone can use anywhere to get answers to the questions they are facing.

In this episode we discussed:

  • The Four steps in the Getting Answers process

  • Aimée’s recommendations for creating your questions

  • Receiving life vs. creating life and how to use manifestation and goal setting in collaboration with the universe

  • The difference between fear and intuition

  • What to do if we experience fear or resistance to the answers we receive

  • How to best cope with this period where there is so much we don’t know

  • What it looks like when inanimate objects give us an answer to our big life questions

  • The practice of patience when waiting for an answer

  • What to do if we don’t feel like we receive an answer

  • How Aimée empowers her students and clients to trust their own intuition

Stay in Touch with Aimée:

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Aimée Cartier is a psychic guide who specializes in helping her clients discern what choices are in their highest and best interest so that they have the information they need to act on and align with their own highest good.  She is known for her clear, accurate insight and her attention to practical details.  She is the founder of Empath Intuition University and Intuition University, in either private or group programs, she teaches women who have a hard time trusting their own intuition or don’t know how to use it to get results.  She helps them understand and enhance their own innate intuitive traits and increase their connection with their inner knowing so that they can use these skills to thrive and guide them to their best lives their whole lives long.  She is also the author of the book, Getting Answers: Using Your Intuition to Discover Your Best Life.  


110 | Justice, Liberation & Weaving a New World with Thérèse Cator



It was an honor to sit down with Thérèse Cator to speak about prayer, intuition, following our callings and stepping into true, devotional and radical allyship. We explore the difference between fear and intuition, how to follow through on the guidance we receive, and build resilience around shame when educating ourselves on the true history of racism and inequality in our home lands.

Thérèse invites us to step into deeper alignment with what we know is true and right and rise above our fears to say YES to all the people we could impact with our work.

“Following our intuition leads us to growth and lessons rooted in love…”

In this episode we discussed:

  • What led Thérèse to her purpose and calling, and how she turned down a lucrative job to follow her dream 

  • How to decipher your intuition from fear and how to cultivate the courage to follow it

  • How becoming a mother changed Thérèse’s life

  • Why to be cautious with “law of attraction” thinking and manifestation programming to create “the perfect life” and how to stop racist-patriarchal systems in their tracks

  • One of the most powerful prayers we both use daily

  • Thérèse’s firsthand experience with racism and the police living in LA

  • How activism IS spiritual practice

  • Thérèse’s words of wisdom on caring for ourselves during these difficult times

  • Weaving the new world with our vision, gifts and leadership individually and collectively

  • Thérèse’s experience with fear and what continues to inspire her to rise above it

  • Building resilience around shame and how to use it as a tool to align with what is right

  • Devotional, radical and true allyship

Links in this Episode:

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Thérèse Cator (she/her) is a mother, leadership coach and healer. She’s also the founder of Black Girls Breathe and this year she led a worldwide global healing day for thousands of BIWOC. Most recently she’s guided over a thousand white and white passing people for becoming human a series of lessons to dismantle white supremacy and center the liberation and healing of BIPOC. 

She's devoted to guiding visionary womxn show up rooted to their unique vision, gifts and leadership to weave the new world. She brings over a decade of experience in the wellness industry as well as her education, experience and knowledge in non-profit development, teaching, social justice, business and the arts. At the core, her work is rooted in love, liberation and community. She currently guides Circle of Reclamation, a year-long course and community.

Thérèse comes from a lineage of medicine people, mystics, artists and activists and she’s honored to share the earth-based ancestral wisdom that she’s been practicing since childhood. You’re invited to join her free community at www.theresecator.com and receive a free meditation and medicine to root deeper and rise higher.


109 | Using Your Voice for Revolution with Sonali Fiske



What is the pain and suffering you continue to see in the world that you just cannot stand?

In today’s episode, Sonali Fiske shares her unique perspective as a WOC in the realm of online spiritual entrepreneurship and how sacred rage led her to her calling. Today Sonali Fiske is a TEDx speaker, radio host, and leadership consultant to marginalized & underrepresented visionary womxn and emerging women-identifying leaders, reaching millions on her talk show Revolutionary Voices. I sat down with Sonali to hear her journey of finding her voice and the courage to stand up for justice to inspire us all.

Every one of us is here for a reason, and today’s conversation reminds us to step closer to the places that enrage us, break our hearts, or cause discomfort in order to truly create the more beautiful world we wish to live in.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Sonali’s experience as a Sri Lankan immigrant coming to the US

  • What led Sonali to her calling of using her voice and platform for WOC

  • Sacred rage, heartbreak and the fuel for our callings

  • Empowering women to use their voices 

  • The journey of finding her voice and giving a TED talk

  • What happens when WOC have a safe space to be together, to be witnessed, grieve together and celebrate each other

  • Cultural appropriation and what white people can do to cause less harm

  • Developing true and real relationships with WOC

  • Amplifying BIPOC voices 

  • Self-care in times of great change

  • Creating safe and intersectional spaces of empowerment 

Stay in Touch with Sonali:

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Sonali Fiske (she/her) is a Sri Lankan-American leadership consultant & coach to Black, Indigenous, Womxn of Color leaders, a TEDx Speaker, radio host, and founder of Raise Your Voice 2020

Her recent online masterclass "Dismantling White Dominance in Womxn's Entrepreneurship" went low-key viral, and centered the stories and lived experiences of womxn of color who are countering the current narrative in leadership, influence and social justice.

On her talk show, Revolutionary Voices,” Her jam is confronting uneasy topics like colonization, tokenism, white supremacy, and more — to help reimagine the narrative and dismantle the systems of oppression people of color live and work in everyday. Sonali is also currently a council member of the International Council of Interfaith & Indigenous Womxn. 

You can find out more about her work at: www.sonalifiske.com


108 | The Power of Prayer with Lianda Swain

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I first met Lianda in a friend’s living room when she led one of her first workshops about the power of prayer. Her stories penetrated my heart and reminded me of one of the most simple yet profound practices we have access to in challenging times.

I wanted to bring Lianda on the podcast to remind us of this power we all have access to at any time, and how when we are willing to be humble and ask for help, we open ourselves to miracles.

Tune in to learn about simple practices to practice prayer, amplify your intuition and remember that we are most definitely not alone in this big (and sometimes scary) world…

In this episode we discussed:

  • Lianda’s stories of healing and the power of prayer

  • How to decipher the voice of your intuition

  • How to shift energy and claim your space

  • Where to start when developing your psychic abilities 

  • A prayer for our collective

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Lianda Swain is a psychic intuitive who supports women and men to heal and awaken their Soul embodiment, receptivity to Spirit, and purification to their true essence. She amplifies your intuitive nature. For over 13 years Lianda has served hundreds of people on their spiritual journey through psychic guidance, meditation, Reiki, rituals, and dance. She is a certified Reiki Master, Life Coach, Astrologer, and Exotic Dance Teacher for Women, with a background in teaching meditation and ways to enhance your awareness.

She has an uncanny gift to see situations and issues accurately, multi-dimensionally, and the pathway to greater peace. She currently travels all over the world with her work, working with clients privately and teaching Prayer, Reiki and Psychic Healing to groups. 


107 | Doing Relationships Your Own Damn Way with Janel Vitale



Witnessing Janel step into life and relationships as the most true version of herself has been an inspiration.

Janel believes that when we customize our relationships to fit our authentic needs and desires, not social expectations, we create emotional intimacy—which is real relationship security. When we open to be the most true versions of ourselves we are more likely to stay in relationships that empower us to grow with us as we evolve.

In this conversation we discuss dropping the conditioning of society, letting go of what we are told sex and relationships “should” look like and stepping into courage to become who you truly want to be in life and love.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Janel’s journey hiking the Appalachian Trail and Pacific Crest Trail and what she learned about life, love, and herself on the journey

  • Unlearning myths about sex and relationships that aren’t serving you

  • Overcoming fear and shame in intimate relationships

  • Designing your own relationship that truly fits you and whoever you’re with, regardless of social convention

  • Unconventional types of relationships that work

  • What jealousy really means when it comes up in your relationships

  • Coming out of the closet as who you really are and how Janel navigated becoming more of her true self despite fears of what others would think

  • Janel’s TikTok videos that led to 230k+ followers there

  • Empowering the youth to create relationships that fit who they truly are

  • Relationship tips during the times of Covid-19

Links in this episode:

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Janel Vitale is a coach for shame-free relationships and sexual empowerment. Though based in the San Francisco Bay Area, her message has a wide national reach through her TikTok channel. Her passion is empowering people to overcome shame and fear in their intimate relationships to create the deep connection and fulfilling sex they crave. An expert in emotional intelligence and vulnerable communication, holds a BA in Communication from the University of Southern California and a sex & relationship coaching certification from the Somatica Institute. You can find her on TikTok, IG and YouTube @lovewithjanel and her website is lovewithjanel.com.


106 | Conscious Conception & Becoming Your Best Self with Nancy Lucina



When I first heard Nancy Lucina share her birth story on the Free Birth Society Podcast, I had chills. After hearing countless stories of women leaving a hospital birth experience disempowered, I knew I wanted to sit down with Nancy and hear her wisdom firsthand.

We talk about the journey from pre-conception to birth: from how to connect to the spirit of your baby long before even conceiving, how to let go of control when hoping to conceive, as well as how to navigate challenges and differing desires with family and partners when following your heart in how to bring your child into the world…

In this episode we discussed:

  • The powerful transition from maiden to mother

  • Nancy’s three unique birthing experiences and what led her to have empowered unassisted free births

  • Navigating the challenges of “what people will think” when you follow your intuition to a less-than-mainstream course in life and birth

  • Conscious conception and connecting with your spirit baby

  • Activating your sovereign divinity as a woman and birthing in power

  • What the children who are incarnating now are here for and what they need from us as parents and guardians

  • The birth process our world is going through + the crossroads we are at

  • Conscious parenting + being present through the process

  • How Nancy navigates fear and the unknown

Links in this Episode:

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Nancy Lucina is a mother of three, doula, shamanic facilitator, sacred sound therapist, and women’s coach. She is the creator of the “Sovereign Birth Meditation Series” that helps women to actualize their dream births as well as the "Conscious Conception: Welcoming your Spirit Baby Home" course. She uses her gifts of voice, sound, sensitivity and connection to spirit to guide women from all around the world to awaken their ancient deep feminine wisdom, embody the Wise Woman within and live in truth and power.


105 | Why We’re Here & Where We’re Going: The Story of A New Earth with Lorie Ladd



Ever since I was a little girl I sat with existential questions like, “What’s really happening here?” “Why are we doing this?” “What’s the point of it all?”

I didn’t have many people to turn to for answers, until finally after college, I stepped on to a path of spirituality, meditation and yoga. I was led to deeper insight and intuitive wisdom within my body, where I began to remember and ascend.

But it really wasn’t until I went to Egypt two years ago that I began to have an inner knowing that what we learned in history and science class in school about human evolution and Earth is simply not the whole story. Being inside the Great pyramids and temples, feeling the frequencies and beholding the incredible mystery of those lands led me to search for answers. I just knew there was no way those ancient cities were built with human hands. I knew there was a higher, much more evolved influence from the stars.

I began learning about sacred sites of the world (such as Stone Henge and the Mayan Pyramids). I read books of people’s past life memories in Ancient Egypt and dove into the esoteric histories of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Today, I am honored to introduce you to Lorie Ladd, Ascension Guide and a Multi-Dimensional Channel for the Galactic Federation of Light. It was on her first trip to Machu Picchu that the true history of Earth became more clear to her. In this conversation we dive into the possibilities of where this all began.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Lorie’s story from quitting her executive assistant job in San Francisco to saying yes to her calling in Mt. Shasta

  • Trusting the timing in your soul’s journey

  • How everyone’s “purpose” here is going to look different

  • What is the Earth Experiment? Why are we here? What’s the point?

  • The dimensional realities Earth has been moving through

  • Atlantis and Lemuria on Earth

  • As a starseed, how to handle feelings of wanting to go “back home” when things get hard

  • What ascension looks like in our current times and why this is all happening

  • All about Lorie’s book in the making  

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Lorie is an Ascension Guide and a Multi-Dimensional Channel. She takes the complexity of ascension and grounds it into simple and easily digestible concepts.  She teaches on ascension, multi-dimensional living and transitioning into the fifth dimension. Lorie bridges the gap between you and your Family of Light, providing a deeper understanding of your purpose and path. 

Today, Lorie dedicates her life to assisting humanity in this planetary shift. Her greatest prayer is that you remember who you are, why you are here and all the Beings of Light that are supporting you. Lorie is honored to be walking side by side with all of you. 


104 | Revolution & Planetary Shifts in Consciousness with Meredith Rom

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With the Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse just around the corner, our planet has been elevating into higher states of consciousness as the dark is being brought into the light.

In this episode I share more about the power of the heart, the golden age upon us, anti-racism work, amplifying voices of color and tools to navigate these potent times.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Let’s take time to learn directly from Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Here are some of our favorite conversations from Rising Women Leaders:

Resources For Further Study:

Holistic Resistance - Anti-racism workshops, trainings, coaching, and singing circles

Layla F. Saad - Me and White Supremacy book and workshops

Michelle Johnson - Intersection of Yoga and Social Justice Trainings

Rachel Ricketts - Spiritual Activism Webinars

Lyla June Johnston - Indigenous Rights, Climate Change & Activism

Jedaya Barboza - Divine Feminine Spiritual Guidance & Awakening


103 | Ceremony, Seasons & the Modern Witch with Gabriella Takutzima



As time slows down during quarantine I’ve been so much more observant of the world outside my doorstep. I’ve noticed how the flowers change each day, which plants the bees are most drawn to, new life sprouting from seeds, and how alive and changing the natural world really is when we are still enough to witness.

Today’s episode with Gabriella Takutzima takes us inside the practices of honoring the seasons and cycles of Mother Earth, the importance of ceremony and how to harness our innate inner magic by connecting more deeply with the natural world…

In this episode we discussed:

  • Why do we practice ceremony? Where does it come from?

  • Why is it so important for the modern woman?

  • Shamanism + Paganism and what drew Gabriella to these paths

  • Earth Embodiment + Women's Wellness

  • How connection to our Bodies and Desires is the ultimate act of Worship to the Goddess

  • Connection of our cycles to the Seasons

  • Witchcraft + Women's Magic - the importance of the Witch in modern society

  • How to reclaim our inner Witch + harness our innate magic

  •  Circling with the Seasons - Gabriella’s course to attune to the Wheel of the Seasons as women

Stay in Touch with Gabriella:


Gabriella Takutzima is a Pagan ceremonialist, animist, and an initiated Dianic Witch. She worships the Goddess and celebrates her Celtic heritage as she walks the Wheel of the Year. She is also a BIrth Keeper, Massage Therapist, Energyworker, and Wife. She seeks to serve Life by serving Women in the passages of blood, birth, and death. She is 25 years young, and has had the privilege of hosting/participating in ceremonies for five years, including sacred plant ceremonies. She has been studying the tradition of healing and ritual from both her Elders in the Craft as well as from a Marekame Medicine Man from the Huichol Tribe. She is devoted to carrying on Earth religion as the Ancient Ones once did. She and her husband are starting a business in Oregon to grow herbal medicines for Women’s health, as well as crafting Yoni Stools, and will be creating a worship space to gather the community to heal and learn. Gabriella is passionate about praising the Earth, celebrating the Seasons, connecting to the Ancestors


102 | Mysteries of the Womb, the Rose & the Holy Grail with Shona Keeli Rose



Have you been yearning to honor your divine feminine essence? The power of your womb? The blessing of your heart?

Our latest podcast episode is full with feminine mystery. I sat down with Shona Keeli Rose of the Rose Lineage Mystery School to hear her powerful story of healing her womb, and remembering her path as a Priestess and Womb oracle in preparation of this time of global awakening.

We also talk about the path of becoming a mother, conception, pregnancy and birth as a sacred path of service, and how we can honor the path of the Priestess in times of great change.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Shona’s journey healing cervical cancer and receiving direct guidance on how to heal her womb

  • The journey of pregnancy and birth (she is now pregnant with her second child)

  • The power of the rose and the what the rose lineage is

  • Mary Magdalene and The Trinity of the Holy Grail 

  • The invitation of the Priestess in these times

  • Embracing our sexuality and womb wisdom


Stay in Touch with Shona & The Rose Lineage:


Shona Keeli Rose is the founder The Rose Lineage Mystery School, A Mystery School for The Venusian Rose Temple Arts; She is a Mother Priestess, Rose Empress Initiator, and Gifted Womb Oracle.

Shona is present in this time of awakening to support the budding, blossoming, and blooming of the divine feminine expression and exploration of the inner power through The Trinity of the Holy Grail. The sacred heart, the holy womb center, and the yoni ( vagina ) – these three spaces are the birthplace of all creation, and they carry the most pristine untapped erotic energy available to women. By supporting women to remember how to practice and embody supreme self-love,  thus opening the temple gates for a magical manifestation of the most pleasurable and authentic life.

She is here to support women awaken to the throne of their inner Queendom. Shona is a light bearer and energetic midwife to the wave of Rose Consciousness, that The Sophia Christ healing is bringing back to the planet at this time.  Holding an impeccable space for exquisite hands-on healings, supporting women to surrender into self-love, and revelation, she assists the rebirthing of women ready to become a natural authority of their body wisdom to access their fullest, creative and magnetic potential. Her wisdom is drawn from ancient womb religions and practices spanning thousands of years including Lemurian, Gnostic, Egyptian, Mayan, and Tantric traditions.

101 | Receiving Life & Conversing with the Universe with Stargazer Li



It was in a field in Sebastopol that I first cuddled up in a sleeping bag with about thirty other people to receive the wisdom and stories of Stargazer Li while beholding the vast night sky, probably one of my first times really taking it in since I was a child.

Besides the incredible experience of learning about the stories behind the constellations, I also realized how much I loved being in the presence of someone so excited about life, and truly living her dharma.

In this conversation today I sit down with Stargazer Li to hear about how she ended up teaching about the stars (believe it or not, she doesn’t study star maps all day long, she actually held a full time career amidst exploring her love of stargazing).

We talk about finding our purpose, the real “invitation” behind manifesting our desires and how following our natural interests and passions lead to deeper fulfillment in life than something we could have ever planned by ourselves.

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Li first connected with stargazing and how this passion came later in life 

  • The difference between living with intention vs. invitation

  • How Li was led to follow her dharma and passions and the wisdom she offers for others who are looking for purpose in life 

  • Relieving the pressure for your “dharma” to be your primary source of income

  • Star wisdom to this time we are navigating 

  • Really, truly being in the unknown 

  • The dance of the planet Venus and the meaning behind her presence in the sky now

  • Essence elixirs, what they are and how she makes them

  • Connecting with our ancestors and conversing with the universe

Stay in Touch with Li:


Stargazer Li is known for eloquently Conversing with the Universe. 

Through sharing stories under the stars, her cosmic updates and much-loved podcast that tell the unfolding story of these transformational times (and her deliciously potent essence elixirs,) she continually invites us to meet this moment well.

Li is also dedicated to Ancestor Tracking, to researching and getting to know ancestral people, places, and times, as a foundational pathway to becoming human.


100 | Honey Bee Wisdom & the Sacred Feminine



Welcome to the 100th episode of Rising Women Leaders. It’s been almost 5 years of releasing content to you, there’s so much we’ve learned, so many women we’ve had the honor of speaking to on the podcast, and so many sisters we’ve connected with on the journey of starting this community…

In celebration of 100 episodes, we invite you to join us on our Patreon with a donation of $1, $3, $5, $10 an episode to support us to grow our impact and spread our mission to share women’s voices and allow the Feminine to lead the way to reestablish balance in a new paradigm… Make a donation here: patreon.com/risingwomenleaders


In this episode we talk with natural beekeeper Ariella Daly about the connection between the honey bees and the sacred feminine. Join us as we dive into the mysteries of Priestesses of Melissa and Delphi, the power of beauty and the natural world, the role the honey bees are playing on our planet, healing the womb and our bodies, eros and sacred sexuality and how to connect more deeply with and be a steward for the bees and for Mother Earth. 

In this episode we discussed:

  • How the bees found Ariella

  • The connection between the bees and womb healing, eros and life force energy

  • What we can learn from the bees

  • How the bees & the priestesses are here holding a similar frequency

  • Grief, loss and dark nights of the soul & how we can connect with the Earth to move through initiations & the unknown

  • What gives Ariella hope & helps her get out of bed in the morning

  • The biggest fear she is facing in her life

  • Ariella’s journey & longing to become a mother

  • The importance of awe & beauty

  • Ariella’s offerings of dreamwork & bee apprenticeship

Stay in Touch with Ariella:

More Links in this Episode:

Ariella headshot.JPG

Ariella Daly is a natural beekeeper living in Northern California.  She fell in love with bees in 2010, when a swarm of wild bees moved into the wall behind her bed. Soon after, she began top bar and warré beekeeping.

Ariella teaches and speaks about natural beekeeping, the honey bee organism, and the human relationship to bees. She believes that through learning to listen to the bees, we are learning to heal our own disconnect from the natural world.

Her work with bees is also informed by a decade studying European bee-shamanism with the Lyceum in England. This tradition holds the honey bee as its central motif and ally. Ariella works with bees on both a practical, oneiric and intuitive level, encouraging people to explore the world of bees through the use of all of our senses.


099 | The Gifts of This Time



By this time, I imagine a lot of you are “sheltering in place” at home because of the coronavirus. Sonoma County measures went into effect last night.

Like many of you, I’ve navigated the ups, the downs and the fears of these uncertain times.  My heart is with you.  As I’ve gone through all the feelings, coming back to my center through meditation practices, I’ve begun to find the gifts of what is being asked of us right now. 

I feel on a deeper level this is the “wake up” so many of us have been praying for. The thing is, people don't often change when everything is going great. When the economy is booming, when all seems well…we just keep pushing ahead.

There have been some deep messages that have been trying to come through to many of us, but there hasn’t been space for them. We’ve been so distracted, filling up our to-do lists and schedules, traveling the world, and being around other people so often.

This is an opportunity to reflect. To empty out our schedules. To be with ourselves. To take the time to deeply listen. 

It doesn’t feel like a mistake that for years I’ve been talking about the return of the sacred feminine and in this moment we are all being asked to halt our lives, work from home, and cancel our plans.

The feminine has been waiting for us. The feminine is all about being, breathing, feeling, accepting, allowing, surrendering. 

She has been waiting for us to have a quiet enough moment to receive the messages that want to come through.  But for that, we need empty space.

For a long time our culture has put the focus and praise on productivity, despite the dwindling resources of our planet, despite the cutting down of the forests and the ill treatment of animals.

We’re being asked to slow down and reflect. What have we been doing? 

Now is an opportunity to change course. 

I invite you to ask, Where do I really want to focus my time? My energy? My resources?

Here are 8 messages I’ve received that I feel are the true gifts and invitations of this time…

Embody the Sacred Feminine 

As plans are shifting and changing and there is so much uncertainty there’s going to be a desire to distract yourself - with the news, with Netflix, with social media. 

What if instead you let yourself go to the depths of what you are feeling? 

What if you actually let yourself get bored? 

What if you saw the gift in slowing down?

When we are in a state of endless productivity, there’s no room for innovation. 

I remember a few years ago during the winter I felt the call to go inward and intentionally took a month off all social media and email. It was so liberating. New ideas and creativity were able to emerge because I gave myself the gift of empty space. I took time to take good care of my body, to eat healthy food, to meditate, breathe and surrender.

Now that we are being given an opportunity to let go and slow down, will you take it? Will you honor the essence of the feminine? Or will you carry on distracting yourself with constant information from the outside world?

Let Go of What’s Not Serving 

As I watched so many of us being asked to let go of travel plans, and events I realized that a lot of us say yes unconsciously.  Because the default has been to be out and about, gathering with others, there’s a natural momentum to keep that going. 

After I worked through my feelings of sadness around canceling and postponing events I planned on attending and hosting, I felt free to make choices from a clean slate. 

Now we have the opportunity to ask:

What hasn’t been working in my life? 

What am I ready to let go of? 

The coronavirus has been an opportunity for us to cancel and let go of things without all the stigma of letting people down. The choice is completely respected and understood. 

So what have you been holding on to? And what do you want to give yourself permission to let go of at this time?

Look For Security Within, Not Outside 

Where have you been putting your sense of security? In your retirement account? In your relationship? In your job? In essence, all is impermanent. All will arise and pass away. 

Everything in this material world is impermanent. At the end of our lives, we can’t take any of it with us - our money, our homes, our partners, our children. It is the deepest letting go. 

So where have you been placing your sense of security?  

In this times, I have discovered a deeper sense of security in myself. In my breath. In my communion with the divine. In the guiding force within my own heart.  

This time is here to shatter illusions and false senses of security and help us find more stable ground to rely on.  

…Your relationship with the divine. The love you hold for yourself. That is something that no one can take away from you.

Practice Better Boundaries 

As we have been asked to implement social distancing, avoiding hugs or hand-shaking, I’ve been reflecting on how much I’ve been unconsciously engaging in touch with others simply because of social norms. 

If I’m totally honest, I haven’t been completely comfortable with how much hugging is the social norm where I live. This has been an opportunity for me to look at what I’m really comfortable with and not comfortable with, and to speak and honor my boundaries rather than unconsciously adhere to social norms. 

It’s also been an opportunity to communicate with friends and loved ones if it doesn’t feel like the best time to see each other and engage.  

Consent is so important, and we are being asked to step into even greater integrity and alignment with each other, and also to respect other people’s wishes and boundaries without taking it personally. 

Where have you had blurry boundaries? and what boundaries do you want to implement now?

Share Your Message 

If you’ve been quietly watching on the sidelines, knowing you have something important to share, but holding back out of fear of what others will think of you, now is the time to share. 

We need to balance all the fear in the collective consciousness with light.  There are many light workers on the planet at this time, but we need all of us to be spreading our messages of hope.  The way you share it, and the people you reach will be completely unique, and it is needed. 

Now is the time to put service in front of our fear. To take the time to write, to sing, to create art, and to share it in the world.  

Where have you been hiding? What are you ready to share now? What messages are emerging through you? And how can you cultivate the courage to be seen and heard?


Along with letting go, this time is a powerful opportunity to simplify our lives and live with greater intention.

Here are some actions I’ve taken to simplify my life right now: 

  • I turned off notifications for instagram and facebook on my phone 

  • I committed to at least 20 min of morning meditation with Insight Timer

  • I deleted news apps and stock apps from my phone. If I need to be informed or look something up, I’ll type in “nytimes.com" into the URL instead

  • I am taking daily nature walks outside around my home, and being fully present with the sunsets 

  • I am creating space for projects that have been on the back burner (I have some new ideas for the podcast, and my partner and I are also building a sauna on the land here) 

If you have the privilege of having a home and enough food right now, allow this time to be an opportunity to come back to the simple things ~ cooking meals, spending time in nature.  Many people also do not have this privilege, so we can also think about ways we can be of service and devoting time and resources to those in need. 

Face Your Fear

So many of us have been brought up to the edge of our deepest fears in these last few weeks. Together we are moving through a great collective initiation. Think of other initiations that happen: a vision quest where someone goes for days without food or water, giving birth, one is brought right to the edge of their fear of death. Their fear of not having enough. 

The messages I’ve been receiving are that these fears are actually illusion. Death is a deep coming homeland when we are not living in fear of it we are able to experience the joy, connection and love available to us in this moment.

When we face our fears and our deepest challenges head on, we are liberated.  

I’ll say that again: When we face our fear, we are liberated from it.

Anchor into What You’re Grateful For

One of the easiest ways to raise your vibration and the collective field is to remember what you have and what you are grateful for. 

Lately I’ve been feeling grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to travel in my life. Grateful for having a home and enough food. 

Many people do not have these things. As humans we are so conditioned to focus on the negative. To see the glass half empty.  But we also have the power to change that around and to control the mind.

When you start shifting into lack and scarcity, remember what you DO have. Write a list. Let yourself feel gratitude for it.  Allow it to be authentic, real and embodied. And notice the energy shift. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I know it was a long one! I’m grateful for you being here, for being part of my community and I am sending you love during this challenging time. 

If you are still navigating the ups and downs of fear, I invite you to read this message I received from Mary Magdalene.  I’ve been sharing messages like this on my instagram. 

In the comments I’d love to hear, what will you implement? What did you find helpful?

With love, 



098 | Sacred Conservation & Love For the Wild with Ayana Young



This conversation gave me chills.

Ayana Young is a deeply inspired woman, connected to the Earth, the soil, the plants and the animals. She is also host of the For the Wild podcast, and specializes in intersectional environmental and social justice, deep ecology and land-based restoration.

If you’ve been feeling the grief of this planet, wondering what you can do while so much destruction is happening, this conversation is for you.

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Ayana was led to environmental and conservation work 

  • The 1 million Redwoods project and what’s happened since being the most backed farm project on Kickstarter

  • How social justice and environmental activism are interlinked

  • How to approach grief and shame about what’s happening in the world (especially as a person of privilege)

  • What can we do now to protect our Earth?

  • Current projects Ayana is working towards

Stay in Touch with Ayana:


Ayana Young is a podcast and radio personality specializing in intersectional environmental and social justice, deep ecology and land-based restoration. Graduating summa cum laude with an undergraduate degree from Loyola Marymount University including a double major in Art History and Theology and a minor in Philosophy, as well as education through Columbia University in Ecology and Eastern Religions and Restoration Ecology at the University of Victoria, Young has a strong academic background at the intersections of ecology, culture, and spirituality. She was studying at Columbia when the Occupy Wall Street movement began and amid the burgeoning resistance in Zuccotti Park, she co-created the Environmental Working Group.

Post-graduation, dividends from her early career allowed Young to conserve 500 acres of coast redwood and salmon habitat in Northern California, where she has been living for over five years. Living for the first years, in a tent with no electricity or running water while she established a homestead, and broke ground on a native species nursery and research center, including the establishment of the 1 Million Redwoods Project, which was acclaimed as the most backed farm project in Kickstarter history.

A budding filmmaker, Young is no stranger to the medium having spent her childhood as a prolific working actor, working alongside the likes of Steven Spielberg and Meryl Streep. Young’s debut film, When Old Growth Ends is an ode to the complex interweaving of the irreplaceable Tongass National Forest during its last stand as a distinctly wild place in Southeast Alaska. As Director, Producer, Narrator and Featured Cast Member of the film, Young wore many hats in midwifing this compelling and poetic story of struggle and beauty surrounding the Tongass National Forest.

Young leans into her vast experience on the other side of the camera, along with her intersectional approach to ecological restoration to guide her process as the Founder and Executive Director of millennial media organization and nonprofit For The Wild. Learning deeply from the critical dialogue she’s shared with over 100 guests on the For The Wild podcast, including Chris Hedges, Sylvia Earle, Vandana Shiva, Jill Stein, Winona La Duke, Terry Tempest Williams and other thought leaders (including some of the brightest activists, political thinkers, and scientific minds of our time) Young approaches her mission with For The Wild with critical thinking, deep reverence and artistry.