The Gifts of Pre-Menstruation

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I want to talk for a minute about the gifts of pre-menstruation because it seems the week before a woman bleeds (also known as PMS) has gotten a bad reputation. Physically, this is the time after a woman ovulates, and there is a drop in progesterone, which can often lead to hormonal mood swings, irritability and overall agitation.  

But there are so many gifts to this time that are not often talked about.

Like…DIVINE ALIGNMENT… and the power of Kali Ma’s fierce love… I now think of this time of the month as an opportunity to realize all the sh** I’ve been putting up with the rest of the month and use it as an opportunity to CUT away ALL that is not serving. (Think of Kali with her sword)…

It’s a time for us to call upon our ROAR of no more to bring us into deeper alignment. 

This time of the month finally gives us the courage to say NO and speak UP for our needs. 

There are so many facets of the divine feminine, and without this fierce, fiery power, we aren’t utilizing the full spectrum of the feminine available to us. 

I now see rage as sacred, something that continually calls me into my highest and can be expressed in healthy ways. When used and expressed I set better boundaries and step more fully into my voice and power.

What’s been your experience of the week before you bleed? 

Are you able to feel the full spectrum of your emotions?  Have you been able to utilize the fiery energy to set boundaries and step into deeper alignment with your truth? 

May we all re-pattern our relationship to the dark side of the feminine… and release shame around this time of the month to truly see all the gifts available to us…  Would love to hear about your experiences in the comments 

To learn more about the path of the feminine, join the waitlist for the Rising Women Leaders 2020 Priestess Initiation right here.


093 | Magdalene Rising with Michele Bumbier


092 | Design, Yoga & Being Held Through Heartbreak with Kelly Robinson