Let’s Work Together

In Life & Work I Value:
COURAGE self-love INSIGHT action BEAUTY femininity ease GRACE
COURAGE self-love INSIGHT action BEAUTY femininity ease GRACE ☥
I offer 1:1 mentorship for women ready to heal the past and make the impact
their soul came here to make.
A new paradigm of feminine leadership
Together we’ll find the sweet spot of feminine & masculine balance…
Setting clear timelines and creating structure to live your dreams, while also working on the level of the subconscious to heal what’s holding you back from stepping into greater visibility and honoring your innate worth.
Do you find yourself…
Burning out in a masculine paradigm?
Highly sensitive and empathic, feeling stuck or uncertain on how to move ahead?
Overwhelmed by the state of the world?
Held back by fear or self-doubt?
Lacking the confidence to share your voice?
Tired of doing it all alone?
The Invitation…
Step into deep alignment with your soul calling and heart’s truest path
Heal wounds of unworthiness and trauma to live from a place of freedom and self-trust
Step into alignment and true prosperity
Use your voice with confidence to share your message
Manifest a lifestyle (and/or business) in alignment with feminine values ~ ie. a flexible schedule, time for family, self-care, and spiritual practices
Finally have the courage and blueprint to follow to get out there and do the work your heart has been calling out for you to do
Reach more people and make a bigger impact through sharing your unique gifts and message
It’s time to make the lasting impact your soul came here to make.
Are you ready to…
Embrace your divine feminine essence?
Be an embodiment of love to serve planetary awakening?
Step into your greatest service, and share your gifts as a teacher and a guide?
Have the structure and support to make it all happen?
Own your worth and live life on your own terms?
Invest in the support of an encouraging guide,
someone who has done it all before?

6-Month 1:1 Priestess Mentorship
The Rose Path
Enter your details to download the program guide and be the first to know when applications are open.

The Essence of the Rose
The rose is a metaphor for our existence: to embody sacred feminine and masculine in equality and balance. The rose is firmly rooted, drawing nourishment from the Earth, she grows tall, strong, stalks to create structure for her blossoming. She knows when it is time to blossom, and she knows when it is time to go dormant for winter. The rose honors periods of expansion and growth, and periods of rest and going inward. She also knows the art of sacred boundaries: her thorns are there to protect herself from harm, and to know when to say no.
At times the role of the Priestess will also be to blossom: perhaps to host women’s circles, create ritual to honor rites of passage and the high holy days of the year, and at other times it will be a time to rest and go inwards. There will be times we are called to focus on inner healing to heal past wounds, limiting beliefs and release the conditioning of inner patriarchy; all the ways we have devalued ourselves, to find a strong foundation of self-love within.
It is from this place of self-love, courage and strength that we grow tall and blossom together.

Awaken the Venus Rose and Rose Lineage Within You
A Look Inside the Curriculum
With Isis, Mother Mary, Sekhment, Hathor, Mary Magdalene, and Inanna as our guides, we’ll remember the mystery schools of ancient Egypt.
The program offers rituals to support grounding and connecting with the womb, practices to release, prune and shed all that is not serving, the sacred art of establishing boundaries, creating beauty, stepping into voice and leadership, and honoring cycles of death and rebirth.
By the end of the program you will have everything you need to honor your next steps as a Priestess and lead women’s circles in your community.

Download the Program Guide
Do You Feel Called?
Do you wish to reclaim your sexuality as sacred?
Your heart as blessed?
Your womb as holy?
Your voice as divinely guided and needed
in these times of great change?
Do you wish to reawaken these sacred feminine codes within you?

She is a vessel, the sacred chalice, bridging heaven and Earth.
The Priestess is a sacred archetype and role on the planet at this time of great change. The Priestess is here first and foremost to serve. She is here to become a vessel, the sacred chalice to open to divine guidance and wisdom, embody a frequency of love, and be of service in all the ways she feels called. In order to do this, she must prioritize self-care and spiritual practices to help her stay open, and empty out. She shows up with devotion to the time and space to just be. She also knows the wisdom of sacred boundaries, and says yes to her power to be of service to the people she is here to serve
We are here to breathe, feel and connect to this Earth, honor our emotions, sit in circle with each other, and honor the cycles of the seasons and the moons. To live as the Priestess is to live a life connected to the divine in each moment. To bring devotion to our daily actions (cooking, cleaning, walking, writing, praying, meditating, talking) in remembrance of God/Goddess/all that is. It is to live in a state connected to breath and intuition, honoring the essence of the sacred feminine within.
It is to allow what is, to forgive ourselves and others, and to see everyone around us as a soul, a higher consciousness living in a body. To live as the Priestess is to see life happening for us, not to us. It is co-creating with life, and surrendering when God has a bigger plan. It is becoming the vessel, emptying out in order to receive. It is communing with nature and the divine as one. It is becoming quiet enough inside to listen to the voice of intuition. It is to listen to others with compassion and hold space for letting go and new beginnings.
It is to express, feel, release, and honor the shadow that exists within and around us. It is to gaze at the stars, to write down our dreams, and honor the cycles of our body and the seasons of the year. It is to leave this world more beautiful than we found it. It is to midwife a shift in consciousness, to welcome a Golden Age, and emanate a frequency of love to all those around us on our path...
If you feel connected to the energy of the rose, the path of the rose priestess may be calling to you.
A rose priestess is one who embodies these qualities of the rose: the ability to blossom without permission or apology, one who knows her boundaries like the thorns, one who embraces the cycles of life, death and rebirth, and her sacred blood, one who is deeply connected to the Earth and all of its living things, and feels a particular resonance with the energy of the rose.
A rose priestess is connected to the energy of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Goddesses of ancient Egypt like Hathor and Isis.
Journey into the mystery schools of ancient Egypt
There is an old story that Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus, and where their tears touched the Earth, roses grew in their place.
The rose is connected with the lineage of Priestesses from Egypt and present-day Israel and Palestine in the Middle East. It is thought that Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene learned from the ancient mystery schools of Isis, and Priestesses in their community received initiations in Egypt.
Mystical traditions believe Jesus grew up on an Essene community in Mount Carmel, and the web of his extended family was there to support his ultimate mission on Earth.
In Egypt, goddesses like Isis, the mother figure of magic and resurrection, and Hathor, the goddess of love, fertility, birth and motherhood, represent a lineage of ancient codes of the Rose Lineage. Sekhmet brings forth the fierce, protective energy of feminine strength. The tradition carries through Israel and Palestine with Mother Mary’s embodiment of divine motherhood and compassion, and Mary Magdalene’s path of spiritual wisdom and initiation. Inanna, a Sumerian goddess of love and transformation, adds another layer of depth to this lineage, with the codes of death and rebirth.
In this lineage, the energy of sensuality is seen as sacred, and a tool that can be used for healing. Sensual energy was used by temple priestesses to awaken kundalini for higher states of spiritual awakening, as well as for healing men coming back from war. They practiced the sacred art of foot bathing, anointing, as well as tantric breathing as spiritual devotion.
These priestesses worked as healers, seers, and keepers of sacred knowledge, cultivating divine love and spiritual transformation in the times they served. The Rose Lineage continues to inspire modern spiritual seekers to connect with their innate feminine wisdom.
A Path of Rebirth and Transformation
The planet Venus is considered the brightest planet we can see in the sky from Earth, and we can often see her right before sunrise or after sunset.
Venus is the planet of relationships, beauty, elegance, embodiment, harmony, feeling, desire, sensuality, love, material enjoyment, receptivity, gratitude, balance, and is often related to art, dance and music.
She is the second closest planet to the sun in our solar system. Her orbit around the sun creates a 5 petaled rose from the perspective of Earth. A full rose cycle takes 8 years to complete, during which there are periods where she is retrograde and direct, as well as periods where she is visible and non-visible. These phases have a direct impact on us here on Earth...
Venus began a new 8-year cycle in June 2020. It takes 19 months for Venus to complete a full cycle, and this happens 5 times over an 8 year period to create a five-petaled rose in the sky from Earth's perspective. This symbol of the five petaled rose, is what is considered the Venus rose. We will complete this five petal rose the first week of June in 2028. What magic!
There are times when Venus seems to cross paths with the sun, and we can no longer see her in the sky. It is this time when Venus journeys to the underworld like the Sumerian goddess Inanna, the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and wisdom. She moves through an inner transformation, similar to the path we walk as the Priestess, to rebirth as a higher version of herself.
This continual cycle of death, birth and rebirth in the sky is a metaphor for the path we walk as a Priestess, there are times we journey to the underworld and are transformed and rebirthed into a new octave of our existence and service.
The Rose Path is how we walk as a rose priestess, journeying from roots to bloom.
Here is an overview of the curriculum for walking this path together:
Month 1: The Roots:
How do you receive nourishment? Spiritual Practice: Grounding Rituals
How full is your cup?
Priestess Practices: Planting a Rose, Working with Rose Medicine: Yoni steams, Rose tea,
Offering Moon BloodDreaming with the Rose
An Introduction to the Holy Family Understanding Patriarchy + The
Role of the Catholic Church in Ancient Times Recommended Books
Guide: IsisMonth 2: Stalks + Leaves:
The Art of Pruning: What Do you Need to Release and Let go?
How Do you Receive Support? Where Are you in Overconsumption?
Priestess Practice: Writing Your Own Personal Prayer, Writing to the Rose
Guide: Mother MaryMonth 3: Thorns
Boundaries: Where Do You Need to Say No? Feeling our Feelings, Healing Priestess Wounds Healing the Womb
Priestess Practice: The Art of Anointing Guide: SekhmetMonth 4: The Bud
Maiden-Mother-Crone Menstrual Cycle wisdom Embodying Venus
Beauty, Altar, Temple
The Honeybees
Priestess Practice: Using Sensual Energy as Healing Energy Listening to Nature Guide: HathorMonth 5: The Blossoming
The Queen
Voice + Leadership Being Seen Writing Your Story Your Mission + Offerings
Women’s Circle Facilitation
Priestess Practice: Singing, Toning & Opening the Voice Teaching from Direct Experience
Guide: Mary MagdaleneMonth 6: Death + Rebirth:
The Value in Destruction
Letting Yourself Be Reborn
Priestess Practice: A Funeral for Your Past Self
Priestess Vows Ceremony Initiation into Leadership
Guide: Inanna

Let's MANIFEST a New Vision For Your Life
Together, we will clear away the blocks and find a delicate balance for you to take grounded action towards your dreams
Dream Bigger . Find Your Voice . Share Your Gifts.

3-Month 1:1 Business Accelerator
Sacred Mission
Enter your details to download the program guide and be the first to know when applications are open.

For the Feminine Entrepreneur
It’s time to make the lasting impact your soul came here to make.
I long to see more women in the world financially empowered, owning their worth and and using their voice for the upliftment of humanity...
And guess what?
You don’t have to do it alone.
As we shift into a new paradigm, where the feminine is rising to join the masculine, we are here to support each other in embodying our greatness. Time and time again I have seen and witnessed: when another likeminded woman really sees you and reflects your beauty and power back to you, anything is possible.

Welcome Your Inner Queen
A Look Inside the Curriculum

Take the Next Step
Download the Program Guide
Let’s reconnect to your true hearts desires. Make choices out of love rather than fear. Be moved by and listen to the call of spirit. Step into true worthiness and prosperity.