Embracing the Seasonal Shift: A Priestess's Guide to Autumn Equinox and Feminine Spirituality
As the Autumn Equinox graces the Northern Hemisphere, we find ourselves at a pivotal point in the wheel of the year. This sacred time, (around September 19-22) marked by the balance of light and dark, invites us to immerse ourselves in the wisdom of the season, honoring the cycles of rest, reflection, and celebration. In this article, we delve into the richness of Autumn Equinox, exploring its significance for priestesses, women, and the essence of feminine spirituality.
The Dance of Light and Dark:
As day and night stand in harmonious equilibrium, the Autumn Equinox signals a period of rest after the labor and harvest of the summer months. Nature, in its divine rhythm, begins to shed its vibrant foliage, mirroring the transition from the time of ripeness to the descent of the Crone. It's a time to turn inward, to let go, and to prepare for the introspective season of winter.
Honoring the Earth's Abundance:
During the Equinox, we extend our gratitude for the abundance of the Earth and the bountiful harvest it has provided. This is also a poignant moment to honor women entering menopause and embracing their Crone years, typically occurring around the ages of 57 to 60. Additionally, the myth of Persephone embarks on her descent to become the Queen of the Underworld, symbolizing the transformative journey into the deeper realms of wisdom.
Contemplative Questions:
To deepen our connection with the Autumn Equinox, consider contemplating the following questions:
What is my personal harvest?
What have I brought into manifestation this year?
How can I honor the generosity of the Earth?
What can I acknowledge myself for? What can I celebrate?
How can I slow down, preparing for the introspective winter ahead?
Rituals to Embrace the Equinox:
At sunset, engage in a ritual of gratitude for the sun's warmth and light that nurtured the crops during the summer. Reflect on the Spring Equinox, appreciating the growth and nurturing experiences. Pray to the setting sun, expressing gratitude for all that has been harvested. Celebrate your achievements with song, dance, and feasts, indulging in the abundance of the season. Consider ways to give back for all that has been received.
Journaling Prompts for Introspection:
What wisdom am I bringing with me from the dark of winter?
What am I leaving behind?
Who am I becoming?
What is awakening in me now?
What seeds am I planting?
What am I transforming?
What is my intention for this new season?
Earth Mandala Ritual:
Image courtesy of Wild Roots Studio
Create an Earth Mandala using twigs, leaves, flowers, and grasses. Let your creative intuition guide you as you offer a prayer to Mother Earth. Bless her with your intentions, express gratitude, and offer love and devotion to welcome the new season.
As the Autumn Equinox unfolds its magic, let us, as priestesses, women, and seekers of spiritual wisdom, embrace the profound teachings of this season. Through ritual, reflection, and creative expression, we can align ourselves with the natural cycles, honoring the gifts of the Earth and our own bountiful harvests. May this time of balance and transition usher in a season of inner growth, wisdom, and deep connection with the divine feminine spirit.