Embracing the Divine Feminine: Spring Equinox Sisterhood Event Ideas for Rebirth and Renewal


As the vibrant energy of the Spring Equinox sweeps in (around March 19-21 each year in the Northern Hemisphere), we honor the balance of day and night and find ourselves standing on the threshold of renewal and rebirth.

This time of year, also called Ostara, is when the air is charged with the promise of new beginnings, making it the perfect time to gather with sisters and celebrate the divine feminine. I wanted to bring together some of my favorite sisterhood event ideas inspired by the wisdom of Ruth Barrett, author of Women’s Rites, Women’s Rituals: Intuitive Ritual Creation. This is a time where we will focus on the themes of balance, empowerment, and the awakening of the maiden goddess within.

Prepare your spirit for the wild dance about to begin with the rise of the mating season and the call of your dreams. All of life is bursting with fertile energy: birds singing, eggs hatching, spring flowers blossoming and Spirit ready to run free again after the contractions of the colder months. Consider how you are cracking open out of your shell and ready to spread your wings into new territory. Be ready for a bold leap and actively co-create with the Universe to bring your dreams manifest. Unite the opposites, especially Fire & Water, which is the fusion of Spirit & Fertility. Ostara initiates a time of empowerment where you are encouraged to take more risks, be more wild, believe in your dreams, and make things happen with your wild freedom and full abandon. ~ Ruth Barrett

Journaling Questions for Self-Exploration:

  • What wisdom am I bringing from the dark of winter?

  • What am I leaving behind?

  • Who am I becoming?

  • What is awakening in me now?

  • What seeds am I planting?

  • What am I transforming?

  • What is my intention for this new season?

    Meditation and Ritual Ideas for the Season of Emergence

  1. Make flower crowns. All you’ll need is some wire and lots of flowers

  2. Create an “Angel Wash” where women stand on either side of a “birth canal” and sing as each woman steps through the threshold to be witnessed, caressed, and celebrated

  3. Cover yourselves with a dark cloth, then emerge into colorful, open spaces symbolizing the transition from winter's darkness to spring's vibrancy

  4. Dance and sing, celebrate the interconnectedness of sisterhood

  5. Paint and decorate eggs as symbols of fertility and new beginnings

  6. Share garden ideas, or start planting a garden together to honor the Earth's cycles of growth and transformation

  7. Honor the connection between mothers and daughters, acknowledging the generational ties of strength and resilience, invite mothers and daughters into the center of a circle to be sung to

  8. Create a symbolic hatching ritual, simulating the breaking through a seed's shell casing under the weight of the earth

  9. Bake a birthday cake to celebrate the birth of spring and the renewal of life

  10. Share or read stories about courageous young girls, inspiring empowerment and resilience

  11. Dance and move in a circle formation to honor the cycle of rebirth and return, fostering a sense of unity and connection

  12. Find creative ways to remember and honor the young girl within yourself and others. Host a sharing circle where women can share about their first menstrual cycle, or how they felt becoming a woman. Listen and honor each others stories of youth

  13. Spend time with a young girl or group of girls, nurturing the seeds of strength and wisdom, especially sharing education about women’s cycles and fertility

As the wheel of the year turns and the Spring Equinox ushers in a season of growth and renewal, may more and more women gather in sisterhood to honor the Priestess within. Through reflection, meditation, and shared rituals, we can honor the divine feminine within and around us, embracing the empowerment and balance this season offers. May our celebrations be filled with joy, connection, and the sweet promise of new beginnings.