100 | Honey Bee Wisdom & the Sacred Feminine
Welcome to the 100th episode of Rising Women Leaders. It’s been almost 5 years of releasing content to you, there’s so much we’ve learned, so many women we’ve had the honor of speaking to on the podcast, and so many sisters we’ve connected with on the journey of starting this community…
In celebration of 100 episodes, we invite you to join us on our Patreon with a donation of $1, $3, $5, $10 an episode to support us to grow our impact and spread our mission to share women’s voices and allow the Feminine to lead the way to reestablish balance in a new paradigm… Make a donation here: patreon.com/risingwomenleaders
In this episode we talk with natural beekeeper Ariella Daly about the connection between the honey bees and the sacred feminine. Join us as we dive into the mysteries of Priestesses of Melissa and Delphi, the power of beauty and the natural world, the role the honey bees are playing on our planet, healing the womb and our bodies, eros and sacred sexuality and how to connect more deeply with and be a steward for the bees and for Mother Earth.
In this episode we discussed:
How the bees found Ariella
The connection between the bees and womb healing, eros and life force energy
What we can learn from the bees
How the bees & the priestesses are here holding a similar frequency
Grief, loss and dark nights of the soul & how we can connect with the Earth to move through initiations & the unknown
What gives Ariella hope & helps her get out of bed in the morning
The biggest fear she is facing in her life
Ariella’s journey & longing to become a mother
The importance of awe & beauty
Ariella’s offerings of dreamwork & bee apprenticeship
Stay in Touch with Ariella:
More Links in this Episode:
The Song of Increase by Jaqueline Freeman
Learn more about the evolution of bee shamanism and Ariella’s work
Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:
Ariella Daly is a natural beekeeper living in Northern California. She fell in love with bees in 2010, when a swarm of wild bees moved into the wall behind her bed. Soon after, she began top bar and warré beekeeping.
Ariella teaches and speaks about natural beekeeping, the honey bee organism, and the human relationship to bees. She believes that through learning to listen to the bees, we are learning to heal our own disconnect from the natural world.
Her work with bees is also informed by a decade studying European bee-shamanism with the Lyceum in England. This tradition holds the honey bee as its central motif and ally. Ariella works with bees on both a practical, oneiric and intuitive level, encouraging people to explore the world of bees through the use of all of our senses.