A Beginners Yoga Guide to the Seven Chakras


In the world of yoga, the concept of chakras is essential to understanding the connection between the body, mind, and spirit.

But what exactly are “chakras”? These energy centers, aligned along the spine, play a significant role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

There are seven main chakras, each representing a different aspect of our lives—from grounding and security to creativity and personal growth. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore the seven chakras, what they represent, and how you can balance them through different practices…

What are the seven chakras, and what does each one represent?

In the Yoga tradition, each of the seven chakras corresponds to specific sounds, mantras, yantras (sacred geometric symbols), colors, planetary influences, and yoga practices.

Balancing these chakras allows us to align our physical, emotional, and spiritual energies, promoting overall harmony and well-being. Here’s a look at each chakra with practices to help you activate and balance them.



Root Chakra


Muladhara (Root Chakra)

  • Mantra: “Lam”

  • Yantra: A four-petaled red lotus

  • Sound Heard: Deep, rumbling sounds similar to thunder

  • Color: Red

  • Planetary Representation: Mars

  • Yoga Practice: Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
    The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is our foundation. Its energy helps ground us, promoting stability, safety, and connection to the physical world. Practicing Tree Pose fosters grounding and balance, strengthening the body’s connection to the earth.

  • Common Blockages: Ungrounded and fearful. Feelings of anxiety and insecurity.

  • Beneficial Practices: Earthing, placing bare feet on the Earth, moving the body, being close to nature, creating a safe physical environment.



Sacral Chakra


Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra)

  • Mantra: “Vam”

  • Yantra: A six-petaled lotus in orange, often with a crescent moon symbol

  • Sound Heard: Flowing water or whispering

  • Color: Orange

  • Planetary Representation: Mercury

  • Yoga Practice: Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)
    The Sacral Chakra, located just below the navel, is associated with creativity, passion, and emotions. Goddess Pose activates this chakra by opening the hips and engaging the core, fostering a healthy flow of creative and sensual energy.

  • Common Blockages: Disconnection from our creativity, sensuality, and pleasure. Feelings of shame and guilt.

  • Beneficial Practices: Womb healing, being near water, engaging our senses, making love.



Solar Plexus Chakra


Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)

  • Mantra: “Ram”

  • Yantra: A ten-petaled lotus in yellow, with an inverted triangle at the center

  • Sound Heard: Crackling fire or the hum of energy

  • Color: Yellow

  • Planetary Representation: Sun

  • Yoga Practice: Boat Pose (Navasana)
    The Solar Plexus Chakra, located above the navel, is the seat of personal power, self-confidence, and motivation. Boat Pose strengthens the core, activating and balancing this chakra, allowing you to access your inner strength and willpower.

  • Common Blockages: Low self-esteem, lack of purpose and motivation, fear of failure, difficulty setting boundaries.

  • Beneficial Practices: Strength training, form empowering habits, connect with the sun.



Heart Chakra


Anahata (Heart Chakra)

  • Mantra: “Yam”

  • Yantra: A twelve-petaled green lotus with two intersecting triangles forming a six-pointed star

  • Sound Heard: Soft bell tones or the vibration of a heartbeat

  • Color: Green

  • Planetary Representation: Venus

  • Yoga Practice: Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
    The Heart Chakra, at the center of the chest, governs love, compassion, and emotional healing. Practicing Camel Pose opens the chest, encouraging energy flow through the heart center, which cultivates empathy, kindness, and emotional balance.

  • Common Blockages: Feelings of loneliness, unworthiness, and anger. Inability to forgive. Difficulty giving or receiving love.

  • Beneficial Practices: Forgiveness prayer, self-love practices, clearing past emotional hurt.



Throat Chakra


Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)

  • Mantra: “Ham”

  • Yantra: A sixteen-petaled blue lotus with a white circle inside

  • Sound Heard: Humming or the sound of the wind

  • Color: Blue

  • Planetary Representation: Jupiter

  • Yoga Practice: Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)
    The Throat Chakra, located at the throat, is associated with communication, expression, and truth. Shoulder Stand enhances blood flow to the throat, activating this chakra and enabling clear, honest self-expression.

  • Common Blockages: Difficulty speaking up, fear of judgement, engaging in judgemental gossips, being overly critical and argumentative.

  • Beneficial Practices: Connecting with your voice, chanting, vocal toning, speaking your truth.



Third Eye Chakra


Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)

  • Mantra: “Om”

  • Yantra: A two-petaled lotus in violet, symbolizing wisdom and insight

  • Sound Heard: A low, resonant hum, similar to “Om”

  • Color: Violet/Indigo

  • Planetary Representation: Moon

  • Yoga Practice: Child’s Pose (Balasana)
    The Third Eye Chakra, located between the eyebrows, is our center of intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual insight. Child’s Pose, with the forehead resting on the ground, gently stimulates the third eye, inviting introspection and mental clarity.

  • Common Blockages: Poor vision and memory, Delusions. Lack of imagination, disconnection from our intuition.

  • Beneficial Practices: Meditation and visualisation. Decalcify the pineal gland. Practice seeing different perspectives and viewpoints.



Crown Chakra


Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)

  • Mantra: Silent, or sometimes “Aum”

  • Yantra: A thousand-petaled violet or white lotus symbolizing enlightenment

  • Sound Heard: Silence or a subtle, high-pitched hum

  • Color: Violet or White

  • Planetary Representation: Saturn

  • Yoga Practice: Headstand (Sirsasana)
    The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is our connection to higher consciousness, divine wisdom, and enlightenment. Practicing Headstand, with proper alignment, helps activate the crown chakra, opening pathways for spiritual connection and awakening.

  • Common Blockages: Distractions and lack of focus. Feelings of confusion, depression, and disconnection. Close-mindedness. Materialism.

  • Beneficial Practices: Meditation and yoga. Exploring spiritual teachings or personal development resources e.g. healing modalities, books, podcasts.


Achieving Chakra Balance in Daily Life


Balancing the chakras involves mindful practice, meditation, and self-awareness. Here are general tips for harmonizing your chakras daily:

  • Chant the Mantras: Recite each chakra’s mantra to energize and align it.

  • Visualization: Picture each chakra’s color and yantra while meditating to enhance focus.

  • Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing stimulates chakra energy, helping release blockages.

  • Body Awareness in Yoga: During asanas, focus on the associated chakra to deepen the connection.

Each chakra contributes to our overall sense of wellness. Regular practice and intention can help bring harmony and balance, leading to a fulfilling, connected, and centered life. For more information, explore resources on Raja Yoga, meditation practices, or visit local yoga studios offering chakra-balancing classes.


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