New Moon and Earth Day in Taurus April 22, 2020
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Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus ~ all about beauty, connection to the natural world and the pleasures of life. Today we welcome this influence in our approach to love, healing and honoring our Earth Mother…as today is also the 50th anniversary of Earth day.
I see today as an opportunity to honor ourselves and our planet as the beloved and to embrace our connection to the beauty of the natural world.
Here are some ideas on how to honor this Taurus new moon
Sit outside with the plants and simply BE
Offer your moon blood to the Earth with reverence, thanking her for all she offers to us
Plant a garden. Get your hands in the dirt.
Make an earth mandala and share your blessings for the Earth
Redesign your altar with items you find from the natural world, light a candle and sit in silence and connection with Mother Earth’s gifts
Connect with flowers and breathe in the sweet smells, just because
Take a bath (my favorite ☺️) add Epsom salts and rose petals for a feminine touch
Drink cacao and pray
Sing, laugh, cry
Drop in deeply with a good friend, share your heart with someone who loves you, let yourself be seen.
I’d love to hear how you plan to utilize the energies of this New moon in the comments below… may our Earth Mother feel all the blessings we shower upon her this week.