New Moon in Libra & The Power of Patience
via @matialonsor
New moon blessings to you. This New moon lands at 7:05 AM EST in Libra (Western) and Virgo (Vedic astrology) on Wednesday, October 6th.
What have you been noticing? How have you been feeling?
With three planets retrograde (Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury) I’m feeling a strong pull to stillness, patience and allowing the natural unfolding of things. If you’ve been feeling challenged, this week in particular, know you are not alone.
Mercury is super strong right now, retrograde until October 19th, the time it is closest to the Earth and exalted, bringing even more power and strength to Mercury in our field, which could enhance communication, or on the other hand, lead to over-communication, (ie) saying things we may later regret. Let’s remember to take a pause when reacting to a situation and find our center before responding.
It also doesn’t surprise me that we saw the kind of technology outages like with FB and instagram yesterday. Mercury is so strong right now, it literally short-circuited several modes of our primary communication.
Saturn has been retrograde since May, so depending on where Saturn is transiting in your chart, this energy can bring change, challenge and/or transition (homes, careers, health, social circles, etc). Saturn can also make things feel like they are moving painfully slow, so we will start to feel relief and movement in our lives again when Saturn goes direct October 11th. Hang in there, there are just a few more days of feeling such a strong Saturnian influence.
With all these powerful and strong planets aligning with this New Moon, I see it as a time to come deeply home to ourselves. Can we give our outer circumstances space to unfold in their own divine timing, rather than trying to push or force our own agendas? Can we nourish our bodies and our hearts in the meantime?
Let’s dive deep into self-care, meditation, and inner reflection. Making home made meals, taking baths, being in nature, are just a few ways we can work with the energies of this new moon.
Enjoy this article, one I wrote a few years ago on patience.
With love,