A 6 Step Process to Dissolve Fear


Fear: it’s something so many of us struggle with. It has the power to completely pull us out of alignment, make us want to hide from what we truly want, and it can harm our bodies and overall well-being. 

I believe fear was designed to call us into action, to help us find safety when there was a clear and present danger (like a tiger), but now fear and stress hormones can flood our system even when we do something as simple as open the news or check our email inbox. 

I’ve been going back to read one of the many books I love reading about the transformational experience of giving birth, and this particular author, Yolande Norris-Clark lays out a beautiful and easy process on how we can navigate fear when it arises in her book, Portal. I’ve been practicing it myself, and sharing it in my yoga classes this week, so wanted to share it with you, too.

1. Acknowledge Fear When it Appears 

Identify the fear, where is it, is it in your solar plexus, in your belly? Are you masking it with other emotions? See if you can pinpoint the sensations 

Put a hand on it. Feel it. Allow it to be there, “I feel scared.” 

2. Tune into the Quality and Texture of the Fear Sensation you’re Experiencing 

Is it chaotic fear?

Is it intuitive fear?

Chaotic fear will lead us away from what we truly desire and intuitive fear gives us a clear call to action in service to keeping us in alignment.

Intuitive fear has a “crystalline clarity to it, an auric quality that demands our attention.”

Unproductive, chaotic fear leaves us feeling foggy. It has a different kind of density and causes anxiety.  

It’s really hard to take action in this kind of fear and actually wise not to - because we are not able to think clearly. Ground and breathe instead.

3. What is it you Feel Afraid of? Face the Fear in your Mind

Let your mind wander for a little bit, what is the worst possible case scenario? What are you really afraid of that could happen?

We often find an incredible sense of freedom in just facing our fear in our minds.

When we stare into the void of our darkest fears we often realize our reality is quite different and often so much better than what we were afraid of. When we face the fear head on, it loses its power. We remember we would still be loved. We’d probably still find a way to move forward, even if the unthinkable were to happen.

4. Ask: What evidence do I have to Prove My Feeling of Fear represents a Clear and Present Danger?

Bring yourself back to your body. Ask if you are in danger, right now.  In most cases that danger is a worry created by the mind. If you are in danger in the very moment, you will likely take action to find safety. And if the fear is in your mind, go to the next step...

5. Reorient to the Crystalline Path and Close the Fear Portal 

What if you looked at your fear as an entity or a portal - something that is not even a part of you. What if, when we feel fear, we have opened a portal in our mind... We have a choice to step in, reside there or decline the invitation and allow the portal to vanish...

Bless your fear

Honor it.

Fear shows us what and who we love and what we value

Come back to what you value...remember the divine qualities that connect you to this.

“Fear dissolution is reinforcing the boundary between the reality you are choosing to occupy and the fear you know is not yours - a reflection of a state of consciousness you have no obligation to enter, adopt or reside in.” ~ Yolande Norris-Clark

Cherish your fear and lovingly hold a boundary.

6. Redirect your attention to your preferred, chosen, and desired outcome 

“A feeling of composure shimmering through your senses, your nervous system and your cells is the signal that you are on the right path...” ~YNC

Actively disavow fear and embody the calm, love, gratitude, trust and connection you are worthy of. 

Trust facilitates surrender.

It is surrender that will move you away from fear.

Try asking yourself these questions when fear arises:

What is the subject and nature of my agitation?

What is the physical sensation and feeling associated with it?

What is the quality of this fear?

What do I know to be absolutely true in this moment?

IS there evidence of a true/real danger?

When I come back to my body, what do I know to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt?

Allow the fear portal to pass by...

Choose a place of serenity

Follow the breath

Let joy, gratitude and love be your compass ...

Know you are safe.


If you're interested in diving more into more wisdom like this, goddess archetypes, ritual and ceremony, I invite you to consider joining us in this year's Way of the Priestess program

Our next cohort begins on Friday, September 13th (the day of the Goddess)... and spaces are filling quickly.

I've opened my calendar to speak 1:1 with anyone considering the opportunity.

Book a free 30-min call and have the space to share about your dreams and visions and we can explore if it could be a good fit for you to join us this year on this path of beauty, devotion and service.

With love, 


~ Enrollment is Now Open ~

The Rising Women Leaders Way of the Priestess Initiation Program
Begins September 13th, 2024 (Sept 2024 - Sept 2025)


Online Program for Women Rising on the Priestess Path

Calling all Healers, Wisdom-Keepers, Teachers, Earth Protectors, and Highly Sensitive Women Ready to Live and Serve at their Highest Potential 

JOIN US ON A PATH OF Devotion, Beauty, and Service

...The Lineage of the Rose...

Join us as we explore Core Values of: Femininity, Devotion, Wildness, Compassion, Boundaries, Prosperity, Service, Love, Leadership & Vision

Each month in the program includes:

+ an initiation gateway
+ priestess practices
+ facilitation skills
+ goddess guides recording
+ new and full moon rituals

Plus throughout the program you will also receive:
+ Private healing sessions
+ Guest mentor videos
+ 24 live sisterhood video calls
+ a virtual closing retreat + vows ceremony
+ access to our priestess curriculum
+ private whatsapp group
+ accountability sister (optional)

To Learn More about the Program Curriculum, Call Dates, and Payment Options View the Program Guide

 Step into your Embodiment as Priestess

We will join together to reveal a deeper meaning of existence, and anchor into our living as an embodiment of love to serve our planet and future generations.

If you feel a resonance in your heart I invite you to book a free 30 minute call with me...

This is an opportunity to gain clarity on your intentions for the next year, identify where you feel held back on your path of service, and I'll be able to share resources + support for your next steps. We'll also have the chance to explore if this program could be a good fit for you to join us this year.

Claim your Power and Voice

“Speaking to strangers has been one of my greatest fears that would often shut off my ability to be fully present and prevent me from making new connections with people. I dedicated a good portion of my life trying to overcome this fear by intentionally seeking out experiences that triggered this fear and this process was extremely difficult and the progress felt extremely slow.

After a few sessions with Meredith on healing my voice and the fears associated with that, I now find myself effortlessly interacting with strangers, making new connections and to my greatest surprise I am starting to enjoy mingling in large corporate settings, which would previously terrify me.”

~Alina Daunyte

Book a 1:1 Call with Meredith