The Rebirth of Venus as the Evening Star on May 15, 2021
Did you know Venus has been hidden from Earth's view since February 1, 2021?
Venus is the planet of relationships, beauty, elegance, embodiment, harmony, feeling, desire, sensuality, love, material enjoyment, receptivity, gratitude, balance, and is often related to art, dance and music.
She is the second closest planet to the sun in our solar system. Her orbit around the sun creates a 5 petaled rose from the perspective of Earth. Her cycle takes 8 years to complete, during which there are periods where she is retrograde and direct, as well as periods where she is visible and non-visible.
These phases have a direct impact on us here on Earth...
Last year on June 3, 2020 Venus began a new 8-year cycle. It takes 19 months for Venus to complete a full cycle, and this happens 5 times over an 8 year period to create a five-petaled rose in the sky from Earth's perspective. What magic!
Venus Rose Path
We are at the end of a phase of inner transformation. After Venus was the morning star for 8 months (June - Feb) she was hidden from view, journeying through the underworld like the Sumerian goddess Inanna, the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and wisdom.
This has been a powerful time of initiation, a time to create a more solid foundation within ourselves, to come back to our practices and allow all that is not serving our highest alignment to be shed.
This Saturday, on May 15 Venus will rebirth as the evening star and we will have our first glimpse of her after sunset. My feeling is this will be a time of abundance and grace, receiving the gifts of wisdom and power, the way we all do after moving through a transformation.
She’ll be visible as the evening star, shining in her brightness all the way until the end of the year, when she transitions again to the underworld on Jan 2, 2022.
This is a powerful time to reflect:
What initiations have I gone through since February?
What is transitioning in my life now?
How have I changed and grown?
What am I taking with me?
What am I leaving behind?
If you're interested in diving more into astrological wisdom, goddess archetypes, ritual and ceremony, I invite you to consider joining us in this year's Way of the Priestess Program.
Our next cohort begins June 10th and there are still a few spaces to join us.
I've also opened my calendar to speak 1:1 with anyone considering the opportunity.
Book a free 45-min call and have the space to share about your dreams and visions and we can explore if it could be a good fit for you to join us on a path of beauty, devotion and service.
With love,
What does it mean to embody the Priestess in our everyday life?
It is to live a life connected to the divine in each moment. To bring devotion to our daily actions (cooking, cleaning, walking, writing, praying, meditating, talking) in remembrance of God/Goddess/all that is. It is to live in a state connected to breath and intuition, honoring the essence of the sacred feminine within. It is to allow what is, to forgive ourselves and others, and to see everyone around us as a soul, a higher consciousness living in a body.
To live as the Priestess is to see life happening for us, not to us. It is co-creating with life, and surrendering when God has a bigger plan.
It is becoming the vessel, emptying out in order to receive. It is communing with nature and the divine as one. It is becoming quiet enough inside to listen to the voice of intuition. It is to listen to others with compassion and hold space for letting go and new beginnings.
It is to express, feel, release, and honor the shadow that exists within and around us. It is to gaze at the stars, to write down our dreams, and honor the cycles of our body and the seasons of the year. It is to leave this world more beautiful than we found it. It is to midwife a shift in consciousness, to welcome a Golden Age, and emanate a frequency of love to all those around us on our path...
Enrollment is now open for the next cohort of the Way of the Priestess program.
I know so many of you sisters are already living this path... and if you long for support, community, sisterhood, and guidance along the way, I invite you to join us.