141 | Highest Self Meditation with Meredith Rom


We hope you enjoy this short meditation to connect with your highest self. This is a powerful practice to connect with your inner guide, ask any questions on your heart, and see what is revealed to you…

Enrollment for Way of the Priestess is Open!

Way of the Priestess: Mystery School + Women's Circle Facilitation Training Program

We Begin September 13, 2024 (Sept 2024 - Sept 2025)

Online Program for Women Rising on the Priestess Path

Calling all Healers, Wisdom-Keepers, Teachers, Earth Protectors and Highly Sensitive Women Ready to Live and Serve at their Highest Potential to Birth the New World

Join us on a Path of Devotion, Beauty, and Service

Click here to book a call to learn more

Priestess: a space-holder, leader of a movement, of highest service to the greater collective, a vessel for the divine, a living embodiment of love Initiation: a series of ceremonies or rituals marking entrance into a new way of being

...The Lineage of the Rose...

The teachings in this program date back to the mystery schools in Egypt. We will be working with archetypal energies and ascended master guides such as Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Yeshua among others.

Join us as we explore Core Values of: Femininity, Devotion, Wildness, Compassion, Boundaries, Rebirth, Prosperity, Service, Love, Leadership & Vision

Each month in the program includes:

+ an initiation gateway

+ priestess practices

+ facilitation skills

+ new and full moon wisdom

+ guest teacher videos

+ live sisterhood + ceremonial video calls

Plus you will receive:

+ 6 private healing sessions

+ a closing virtual retreat to share your vows

To Learn More about the Program Curriculum, Call Dates, and Payment Options: Download the Program Guide

Join us in Sisterhood as we Purify, Activate and Align

Claim your Embodiment as a Priestess

We will join together to reveal a deeper meaning of existence, and anchor into our living as an embodiment of love to serve our planet and future generations.

If you feel a resonance in your heart I invite you to book a free 30 minute call...

This is an opportunity to gain clarity on your intentions for the next year, identify where you feel held back on your path of service, and I'll be able to share resources + support for your next steps.

We'll also have the chance to explore if this program could be a good fit for you to join us this year.

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders: