A Redemptive and Healing Birth: Womb Healing for VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarian)


Womb Healing for Birth Trauma

Do you know someone who has had a traumatic experience giving birth?

I work with women 1:1 to heal their birth experiences, especially those still carrying any trauma from the experience to feel more at peace with themselves, their body and their birth.

This is especially potent for women preparing to birth again, to help them come in a state of love for themselves for the past, and to energetically be aligned with the outcomes they would love for their future birth.

I want to tell you about one of my clients, Andrea.

When Andrea and I started work together she had a desire to let go of control, shift her thoughts around how she spoke to herself, and welcome more self-love.

Early in our work together she shared some of her first birth experience with me, which ended in a c-section. I invited her to use one of our sessions for a womb healing, where we created a safe space for her to share her story, any limiting beliefs that she had about her body, and the way everything unfolded (induction until the eventual choice to have a c-section).

I’ve heard this story, sadly, so many times. When the OB/midwife shares the percentages related to birth outcomes ...and how an induction is needed... often much sooner than baby is truly ready to come, cascading interventions and/or a c-section is often the end result.

We slowly, with care, went through Andrea's memory, any doctor or nurse who said something to her that made her not believe in herself, and released these old stories one by one with EFT Tapping.

Tapping is a modality that works on the somatic level, the subconscious, to heal on the level of the psyche as well as the body.

We gave her past self more support when she felt isolated or alone, or didn’t trust in her body. We imprinted a fresh birth story into her energetic body, one where she met her son, empowered, and in full trust of her body.

Womb Healing for Fertility

A few years later we began working together again, and she shared that she and her husband had begun trying to have a second child. 

But every month she was disappointed to begin her period. 

I held space and encouraged her to feel the emotions - as well as release any stories that may have been inhibiting this spirit from the conception process.

We cleared away emotional and energetic pieces she was holding, and I witnessed as Andrea released the possibility of getting pregnant to the universe.

She shared with me, "the release of the possibility of getting pregnant was so transformative for me. Envisioning having one child enabled an openness that allowed for a second pregnancy. Acknowledging that I would experience grief either way - of having one child, or of welcoming a second and losing the way things were with our first-born was so powerful"

I’ll always remember the day she arrived at our next session and shared, “I’m pregnant.”

It was truly through letting go, and being willing to embrace the current circumstances, that her and her partner conceived.

Through releasing the old stories and entering a softer, surrendered state, her baby came through.

But, there are so many unknowns in pregnancy and every day became an invitation to surrender, trust the greater process, and let go.

I supported Andrea to anchor into this state of trust in the unknown.

Womb Healing for Calling in Your Dream Birth

And then I held space as she planned for her dream birth - which was to have a vaginal birth after cesarian in a hospital setting.

There were decisions to make every step of the way, which hospital, which care providers, whether or not to hire a doula. I held the space for her to listen to her intuition. 

I watched as she released anxiety and stress and anchored into the reality she wanted to welcome.

She came to a place of peace within herself, with whatever the outcome was going to be. 

We connected with her future self, and imprinted a memory of the dream outcome for her birth, and we let it go. 

I was elated to receive this text from her a few weeks later: 

“Hi Meredith, I’m thrilled to introduce our son (the message included a photo). He arrived on a rainy evening after a full moon. Contractions started at 1 am and built throughout the day. We labored at home until I was 8 cm dilated and then drove to the hospital where my waters broke about 15 min after we arrived. I pushed for about an hour to guide my baby into the world. He has a calm temperament and we’re so in love. Thank you for your support in envisioning and preparing for this entirely redemptive and healing birth experience.” 

I invite you to book a 1:1 Womb Healing session with me to heal past birth trauma, enhance fertility and prepare for your dream birth.

With love, 


The Benefits of a 1:1 Healing Session

Experience less fear around giving birth / Heal past memories around giving birth

Tap into your creative power to manifest your dreams

Experience more confidence in birthing creative projects

Discover an unshakeable self-love and self-worth from within

Experience being fully witnessed, seen and heard in sharing your story

Heal relationship to the masculine for healthier, more positive relationships

These sessions are especially potent if you've experienced:

  • Birth trauma

  • Abortion

  • Miscarriage

  • Painful menstrual cycles

  • Difficult sexual experiences

  • Other trauma related to the womb

    Tap back into an infinite source of wisdom and power of the womb

    Sessions are held via video (75 minutes in length).

Join from anywhere in the world to heal past memories and anchor back into your inherent power and self worth

Learn more and reserve your session. 

Why is womb healing important?

Establishing Boundaries 

  • Being able to say no, not feeling guilty about setting a healthy boundary 

  • When there is something to heal related to the womb a woman often feels like she doesn’t have choice and is not able to set a boundary 


  • Being able to receive 

  • Manifestation power 

  • Ability to make an empowering income 

  • Establishing healthy self care - not giving self away
    Believing in self and what you deserve, what you are worthy of in your life

Birthing a New Humanity 

  • For those women that choose to have children - the more we do our own womb healing work, the less we pass on to our children 

  • Our children right now are coming in to heal this planet - the less generational healing we pass on to them, the more they can just get to the work they came here to do 

  • Thinking about a baby in the womb, how sensitive they are, energetically what they may absorb, healing and purifying that space before 

  • Preparing for conception, fertility and birth - releasing limiting beliefs - feeling empowered and believing in yourself 

  • A lot can come up to be healed during pregnancy and child birth - often these souls are showing us where we still need to heal and grow

  • When we show up to our own healing, we are not passing down our healing work to our children - so many of us are working through generational healing, what a gift it is to your children to do that work on behalf of yourself - it will change how you relate to yourself, and the relationship with your family 

  • If you’ve already had children, doing this work now impacts them as well

What may life look like living from a womb with negative imprints?:

  • Painful menstrual cycles 

  • Infertility / trouble conceiving 

  • Feeling like I don’t matter or my voice doesn’t matter 

  • Promiscuity - not honoring true desires in relationships

  • Staying with someone you don’t really want to “settling” 

  • In general - feeling of settling or unworthiness

  • Having trouble manifesting income 

  • Not really able to receive 

  • Feeling difficulty around imprints from medical procedures 

  • Feeling unresolved about birth - not having been able to make empowered choices 

  • Feeling unresolved about an abortion 

  • Feeling unresolved about sexual experiences

  • We may put on extra weight / have trouble losing weight because on a subconscious level we feel like that’s the only way to protect ourselves from the world, often correlates with early childhood memories of sexual abuse

  • Feeling like I don’t have a choice in life - I have to settle with things as they are, “I don’t deserve better”

As we heal our womb we open the door to…

Experience more pleasure

Feel more confident

Have better boundaries

Tap into our feminine power of creation

Deeply believe in ourselves

Birth our children and creative projects from a place of wholeness

It helps us heal our relationship to our mothers and ancestral line, our relationship to the masculine, our relationship to self expression and sharing our gifts in the world 


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