Seven Core Wounds of the Modern Priestess


Over the last decade of working 1:1 with hundreds of women, I've identified seven core wounds that come up again and again in my healing work. These ancestral wounds live in our cells, in our DNA, passed down through generations of women who faced persecution, isolation, and suppression of their power.

The Persecution Wound

For many women, the fear of persecution lives deep within our being, stemming from times when it literally wasn't safe for women to be seen as powerful. From the witch hunts across Europe to the days of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, women who were healers, natural-born leaders, or those who chose to speak up for change faced very real threats of being stoned, burned or killed. This wound can activate any time we step into our power or share our gifts with the world.

Even though for many of us now, it is safe to share our voices, this wound can activate any time we try to public speak, record a video, make a post on social media, or be seen in the public eye.

The fear of visibility, and opening to the vulnerability of attack is a very real fear many of us carry.

So how do we heal it? I’ve found again and again, for this wound, the healing balm is sisterhood.

To have women in your life who have your back, to feel the support of your sisters behind you, really makes a woman feel safe to take a step forward. Because then, even if she fails, she will have a team of sisters ready to love her, support her and encourage her to stand back up and try again.

The Sisterhood Wound

But what if other women are what you fear? Perhaps one of the most painful wounds we carry is the fear of betrayal within our feminine circles. This wound stems from times when women were turned against each other, when the bonds of sisterhood were broken by survival, competition, and fear. It shows up as hesitation to trust other women fully or to share our authentic selves in circle.

We’ve been conditioned to feel jealous, compare ourselves, or not trust other women. So how do we heal this?

I have found it so powerful to heal this wound by attending women’s circles. When we slowly open up, in safe spaces with an experienced guide, we can begin to heal this wound and let go of our conditioning of competition and fear of other women.

The Money Wound

Many of us struggle with charging for our spiritual work and healing gifts. This wound manifests as guilt around receiving abundance for our sacred offerings, fear of being seen as unspiritual for charging money, leading us to undervalue our services. “But this is my spiritual work, shouldn’t I offer it for free?”

It's deeply connected to times when healers and priestesses served purely through devotion, yet in our modern world, we must bridge the sacred and practical.

I have found it deeply healing to receive money for my work. In doing so, we create a sacred exchange that very practically allows me to keep doing it!

When we heal our wounds around money, we open to greater abundance. I offer EFT Tapping to rewire limiting beliefs, and guide rituals in my Year-and-a-Day Initiation program for women to step into greater abundance and prosperity.

I also choose to offer partial scholarships to women of color, and for women earning under $36k per year. Learn more about these scholarships when you book a time to speak.

The Isolation Wound

Another profound wound many women on the Priestess Path carry is the pain of being outcast, isolated, and alone. The feminine is naturally collaborative and community-oriented, yet our modern society often keeps us separate and alone. This wound can prevent us from reaching out, from creating circles, from building the very communities we long for.

There's also often a visceral fear around claiming titles like "Priestess" or even identifying publicly as spiritual for being outcast from the mainstream society. We don’t want to feel “different” or excluded.

But we are meant to be together. To work together.

The healing balm for this one of course, is likeminded community.

In the Way of the Priestess Initiation I’ll be guiding each of the women to begin women’s circles in their communities. We’ll also be joining together in community support online over a year-and-a-day.

The Sensitivity Wound

Being highly sensitive is actually a superpower, but many of us have been conditioned to see it as a weakness. This wound can cause us to feel overwhelmed by the world's energy, to retreat when we're needed most, or to doubt our intuitive gifts. The shadow side of this sensitivity can keep us stuck, unable to move forward with our calling.

It’s important that we know how to clear our energy, create energetic boundaries, and to focus on our values, and what we want to see in the world. With enough support and energetic protection, we can see our sensitivity as a profound spiritual gift that is needed in this times to uplift humanity.

The Unworthiness Wound

Society has conditioned us to feel "not enough," to doubt our power, to question our authority to lead and heal. This wound can manifest as imposter syndrome, perfectionism, or the constant need for external validation. These wounds often develop in childhood in moments when we feel like our voice didn’t matter or we didn’t matter. Through community witnessing, and 1-1 healing, I support women to step into the power of their voice, their womb, and their intuitive gifts.

When another women can see your power and reflect it back to you, it’s so much easier to believe in yourself and your dreams.

The Wound of Self-Condemnation

This wound manifests as the inner voice that takes us down, that makes us feel "bad" about ourselves. It's one of the most insidious tools those in power used to suppress the feminine - by instilling shame and self-doubt deep within our psyche. When we're caught in self-condemnation, we naturally make ourselves small and hide our light. Yet this negative self-talk is merely programming, and we have the power to release it.

In reality, we are whole, holy, and pure. When we remember our true nature, we can begin to break free from the grip of self-sabotage and reclaim our innate power.

A Path Forward: Healing in Community

These wounds weren't created in isolation, and they cannot be healed in isolation.

That's why I've created the Way of the Priestess Initiation - a year and a day journey of healing, empowerment, and transformation in sacred sisterhood.

Together, we:

  • Create safe spaces for deep healing and authentic expression

  • Learn powerful energetic protection and boundary practices

  • Activate our connection to the divine feminine through ancient wisdom traditions

  • Build supportive communities through women's circles

  • Transform these wounds into our greatest sources of power and wisdom

If you feel called to heal these ancestral wounds and step fully into your power as a modern priestess, I invite you to join our next Priestess Initiation. In this container, you'll find the guidance, mentorship, and sister community needed to transform these wounds into your greatest gifts.

Enter Your Name and Email Below to Download the Program Guide

With Love,



Venus Retrograde, Descent and Rebirth March 1, 2025


A Simple Practice to Shift from Fear to Love