What is a Rose Priestess? A Message from the Rose


When Spring 2020 arrived, I found myself witnessing the environment around me in a completely different way.

I was sheltering in place on a 14 acre property in Sonoma County that I dearly loved. With so much less interaction, stimulation, places to be and things to do, I noticed how each day the wisteria would be a little taller, and a little more open. I saw the flowers blossom, the bees buzz, the plants change and grow day by day.

Then, one day I noticed a cascade of delicate pink blossoms begin to form above the entrance of the property. Had I never noticed them before? Right on either side of the fence where we entered, there were wild rose bushes. I went closer to examine them and discovered the trunk of the roses were enormous - they looked like rose trees!

I asked my neighbor if she knew anything about them, and she said they were at least 60 years old, because they were here before the land owner bought the property around 1960.

I had been working with the energy of the rose, and was so excited to discover them, it felt like a sign, and I knew their energy would have much wisdom for me.

Some believe there is a Rose Lineage of Priestesses that dates back to Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene witnessing the crucifixion. Some say that their tears fell to the ground and roses grew in their place.

Men and women in the mystery schools of these times would travel to Egypt to receive initiations. They were connected to a goddess lineage that dated back to the times of ancient Egypt.

And there is truly so much we can learn from the rose… with it’s beauty, blossoms and thorns…

I began to adore that climbing rose plant. My neighbor and I collected the petals and made a hydrosol spray from them. I left offerings at their trunk. I collected old branches on the ground from it, and used them to perimeter the property as protection. I spent days and days in devotion, enamored with the 40+ rose blossoms that arced over the entry to the property.

Then one day an older man was mowing down the grass in one of those garden tractors on the land. He had lots of tools with him, chainsaw, blowers, and was cleaning up the property, in accordance with the landlord’s desires.

At one point I looked out my window to see him cutting down the rose vines. The ones I had grown so attached to. (Maybe he thought they were dangerous?) I ran out of my house to stop him, but it was too late. The vines were about an inch and a half in thickness. I thought about how long it must have taken to grow that thick. And they were lost.

I watched over the following week as all 40+ delicate rose blossoms died and fell to the ground. It was heartbreaking.

I thought about his carelessness, and lack of awareness about the beauty and protection this plant offered. It reminded me of the patriarchy in general - how the Church of ancient times burned and ruined so many sacred teachings of the sacred feminine, how women have been treated over the centuries… demolished, abused, and ultimately erased from so much sacred history, especially the stories in the Bible.

But what could I do? The vines were lost, but the trunk of the roses stood strong. I grieved, surrendered and let go.

Then one day I decided to write to the rose herself. To see what wisdom she had for me from this experience.

Her answer surprised me:

Dear one,
Know that I will persist. I am fully alive and my mission is to grow, no matter how many obstacles are placed on my path. I reach for the stars and the sun, and there is no stopping me.

You can cut back my vines but I will only grow back stronger than before. Beware of my thorns, they will prick if you get too close. My roots grow down deep into layers of nourishment beneath the Earth. My connection with our Earth Mother nourishes and sustains me. The deeper my roots, the taller I grow. My support is strong.

I have what I need within myself. I have created a safe home here. I've also made peace with death. I do not fight when it is time to let my petals fall. I know in death lies rebirth. The death of my leaves, stalks or blooms returns nourishment to our Earth Mother.

I allow myself to go dormant in the winter, saving up my energy, allowing fresh fuel to blossom and share myself in the Spring. My blooms emit a sweet fragrance to attract the bees and continue life once again. I allow myself to be magnetic. I am not afraid to blossom. I do not apologize for my beauty. My blossoming attracts all I need.

I am beauty, strength and power. I am soft and gentle, strong and fierce. I am the feminine embodied.
...Oh there is so much we can learn from Her...

I carry this message deeply in my heart, especially in times I’m experiencing loss and letting go.

I hope you find comfort in it as well.

If you feel connected to the energy of the rose, the path of the rose & rose priestess may be calling to you.

A rose priestess is one who embodies these qualities of the rose: the ability to blossom without permission or apology, one who knows her boundaries like the thorns, one who embraces the cycles of life, death and rebirth, and her sacred blood, one who is deeply connected to the Earth and all of its living things, and feels a particular resonance with the energy of the rose.

A rose priestess is connected to the energy of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Goddesses of ancient Egypt like Hathor and Isis.

Is the Priestess Path Calling you?

Spaces are filling up for the Way of the Priestess program I lead beginning this September.

We’ll be diving into ancient rose teachings, goddess archetypes like Isis, Hathor, Inanna, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.

You’ll learn to have your own connection with the rose, the essence of the divine feminine, and the priestess path.

Download the program guide to learn more.

And if you’re ready to dive in, Book a call to explore joining us.

With love,

~ Enrollment is Now Open ~

The Rising Women Leaders Way of the Priestess Initiation Program
Begins September 13th, 2024 (Sept 2024 - Sept 2025)


Online Program for Women Rising on the Priestess Path

Calling all Healers, Wisdom-Keepers, Teachers, Earth Protectors, and Highly Sensitive Women Ready to Live and Serve at their Highest Potential 

JOIN US ON A PATH OF Devotion, Beauty, and Service

...The Lineage of the Rose...

Join us as we explore Core Values of: Femininity, Devotion, Wildness, Compassion, Boundaries, Prosperity, Service, Love, Leadership & Vision

Each month in the program includes:

+ an initiation gateway
+ priestess practices
+ facilitation skills
+ goddess guides recording
+ new and full moon rituals

Plus throughout the program you will also receive:
+ Private healing sessions
+ Guest mentor videos
+ 24 live sisterhood video calls
+ a virtual closing retreat + vows ceremony
+ access to our priestess curriculum
+ private whatsapp group
+ accountability sister (optional)

To Learn More about the Program Curriculum, Call Dates, and Payment Options View the Program Guide

 Step into your Embodiment as Priestess

We will join together to reveal a deeper meaning of existence, and anchor into our living as an embodiment of love to serve our planet and future generations.

If you feel a resonance in your heart I invite you to book a free 30 minute call with me...

This is an opportunity to gain clarity on your intentions for the next year, identify where you feel held back on your path of service, and I'll be able to share resources + support for your next steps. We'll also have the chance to explore if this program could be a good fit for you to join us this year.

Claim your Power and Voice

“Speaking to strangers has been one of my greatest fears that would often shut off my ability to be fully present and prevent me from making new connections with people. I dedicated a good portion of my life trying to overcome this fear by intentionally seeking out experiences that triggered this fear and this process was extremely difficult and the progress felt extremely slow.

After a few sessions with Meredith on healing my voice and the fears associated with that, I now find myself effortlessly interacting with strangers, making new connections and to my greatest surprise I am starting to enjoy mingling in large corporate settings, which would previously terrify me.”

~Alina Daunyte

Book a 1:1 Call with Meredith


Embracing the Sacred Darkness: Winter Solstice Ritual for Priestess Healing and Divine Feminine Wisdom


As the Winter Solstice graces the Northern Hemisphere, we stand at the threshold of the longest night, a time of deep introspection and reverence for the sacred darkness. In the ancient tapestry of traditions, Winter Solstice (around December 20-23) is not just a celestial event but a spiritual journey, inviting us to slow down, turn within, and embrace the wisdom held in the quiet depths of the season.

Honoring the Seasonal Shift:

In ancestral times, people gathered around the Yule log, lighting ritual fires to beckon the return of the sun. It's a season of patience, akin to an expectant mother awaiting to confirm the presence of life within.

“The holiday of Winter Solstice celebrates the presence of spirit and the power of faith that our visions of the future will come into manifestation. All we can do in the middle of winter is pray and hope the light will return. Winter Solstice is not about having the light. It is about carrying hope and trust while moving toward a vision that we will work to make a reality.

This time invites us to slow down, even when our culture tells us to speed up, go shopping and get everything ready for the holidays. It is a time to turn within to the wise old self present in every woman. She lives on the edge of spirit, able to access this world and the next. She is the one who is already holding the future. Dreaming is Her power and she patiently waits in the dark with wisdom and guidance.

This is a time of trust - that the flowers will eventually return, and a time to celebrate the dark, where the inner life is honored and nurtured.” ~ Ruth Barrett

Reclaiming the Feminine and the Dark:

As we reclaim the feminine in our culture we are also re-patterning our relationship to the dark. On this darkest day of the year may we all receive the nourishment, love, and safety inherent in the darkness. May we honor the coming of the light without bypassing the gifts the darkness holds for us - the gifts inherent in our challenges, in our deepest feelings, in the unknown and within the darkness of our womb. 

On this Solstice, may we remember the power in the darkness. May we welcome the light. Let us take this time to go inwards.

Questions for Journaling:

  • What am I visioning and hoping for?

  • What dreams do I carry for the year ahead?

  • How can I step into greater trust with life?

  • Who is my wise old self, and what wisdom does she have for me?

Winter Solstice Ritual:

  1. Gather 8 candles and your favorite tarot decks.

  2. Clear a safe space to create a circle of candles around you.

  3. Invoke your guides, angels, and protectors to be present.

  4. Light each candle, one by one, in honor of the 8 high holy days of the year.

  5. Extinguish each candle, starting with Imbolc, reflecting on the past year at each high holy day.

  6. Pause in the darkness. Reflect on your present moment at the Winter Solstice. What gifts and wisdom does the darkness hold?

  7. Light a candle, one at a time for the year ahead, pulling a tarot card for each. Allow the experience to be intuitive and reflective.

  8. Invoke the return of light, speaking prayers or intentions.

  9. Close the ceremony in a way that feels right for you, perhaps with "By the power of three, a holy trinity, it is done," or singing three oms.

As we stand in the embrace of the Winter Solstice, may we find solace in the sacred darkness and wisdom in the introspective journey it offers. By slowing down, turning within, and embracing the gifts of the unknown, we can navigate the coming year with grace and intuition.

Let this Winter Solstice be a celebration of the divine feminine, a time of healing, and a reminder that in the sacred darkness, we find the seeds of our deepest wisdom and growth.


Embracing the Seasonal Shift: A Priestess's Guide to Autumn Equinox and Feminine Spirituality


As the Autumn Equinox graces the Northern Hemisphere, we find ourselves at a pivotal point in the wheel of the year. This sacred time, (around September 19-22) marked by the balance of light and dark, invites us to immerse ourselves in the wisdom of the season, honoring the cycles of rest, reflection, and celebration. In this article, we delve into the richness of Autumn Equinox, exploring its significance for priestesses, women, and the essence of feminine spirituality.

The Dance of Light and Dark:

As day and night stand in harmonious equilibrium, the Autumn Equinox signals a period of rest after the labor and harvest of the summer months. Nature, in its divine rhythm, begins to shed its vibrant foliage, mirroring the transition from the time of ripeness to the descent of the Crone. It's a time to turn inward, to let go, and to prepare for the introspective season of winter.

Honoring the Earth's Abundance:

During the Equinox, we extend our gratitude for the abundance of the Earth and the bountiful harvest it has provided. This is also a poignant moment to honor women entering menopause and embracing their Crone years, typically occurring around the ages of 57 to 60. Additionally, the myth of Persephone embarks on her descent to become the Queen of the Underworld, symbolizing the transformative journey into the deeper realms of wisdom.

Contemplative Questions:

To deepen our connection with the Autumn Equinox, consider contemplating the following questions:

  • What is my personal harvest?

  • What have I brought into manifestation this year?

  • How can I honor the generosity of the Earth?

  • What can I acknowledge myself for? What can I celebrate?

  • How can I slow down, preparing for the introspective winter ahead?

Rituals to Embrace the Equinox:

At sunset, engage in a ritual of gratitude for the sun's warmth and light that nurtured the crops during the summer. Reflect on the Spring Equinox, appreciating the growth and nurturing experiences. Pray to the setting sun, expressing gratitude for all that has been harvested. Celebrate your achievements with song, dance, and feasts, indulging in the abundance of the season. Consider ways to give back for all that has been received.

Journaling Prompts for Introspection:

  1. What wisdom am I bringing with me from the dark of winter?

  2. What am I leaving behind?

  3. Who am I becoming?

  4. What is awakening in me now?

  5. What seeds am I planting?

  6. What am I transforming?

  7. What is my intention for this new season?

Earth Mandala Ritual:

Image courtesy of Wild Roots Studio

Create an Earth Mandala using twigs, leaves, flowers, and grasses. Let your creative intuition guide you as you offer a prayer to Mother Earth. Bless her with your intentions, express gratitude, and offer love and devotion to welcome the new season.

As the Autumn Equinox unfolds its magic, let us, as priestesses, women, and seekers of spiritual wisdom, embrace the profound teachings of this season. Through ritual, reflection, and creative expression, we can align ourselves with the natural cycles, honoring the gifts of the Earth and our own bountiful harvests. May this time of balance and transition usher in a season of inner growth, wisdom, and deep connection with the divine feminine spirit.


Priestess Definition | What it Means to be A High Priestess


I’ve been connecting with more and more women feeling the call of the Priestess and High Priestess path. So many of us are awakening to our true nature, and feel a deep desire to give back and contribute in the world, especially now when it feels like everything is falling apart.

So what is a Priestess? What is her role? What does a Priestess do? And what is a High Priestess?

A Priestess is here first and foremost to serve. She brings the formless into form through deep listening and communion with the divine.

She is here to raise the collective consciousness and to contribute in her own unique way, becoming a frequency of divine love.

She is here to anchor the frequency of the divine feminine, to restore balance on our planet and support ascension through with an energetic shift.

The difference between a Priestess and a High Priestess is one who has walked the path long enough to have gained deep experience and knowledge in service, ritual facilitation and leadership skills.

In ancient times the High Priestesses were often born into royal families in places such as Crete, Egypt and Anatolia (Consider reading the book Initiation written by an ancient Egyptian High Priestess). The rituals they performed ensured fertility and prosperity for the villages. They were prepared for their role since childhood and were educated for religious roles and duties.

In modern times the noun “Priestess” is the title of a woman who has studied and trained, and has gained experience as a spiritual leader, spreading the knowledge of the spiritual teachings she has learned and embodied.

She teaches from her direct experience and the journey itself of becoming a Priestess has shaped her and prepared her for this role.

Here are six pillars to explore the essential role of the Priestess in modern times.

She Restores Balance of the Sacred Feminine 

Our culture has been out of balance for a long time. Pushing, forcing, accomplishing, doing, and at what cost?

Taking resources from Mother Earth, cutting down the forests, pushing beyond our our Earth’s limits for selfish economic gain. This has been the reality we have been living in for so long, and on top of this, so many of us carry this conditioning of the patriarchy within ourselves.

How often have you pushed yourself when you really needed to rest? How often do you find yourself talking negatively to yourself, or your body?

We can begin to heal the imbalance in the world by starting with our own bodies. What would it look like for you to love yourself. To slow down and nurture your body. To listen to your intuition. To surrender and allow. To listen to the heart, rather than the head.

The heart has always been meant to be the motherboard of our human experience. 

The brain is meant to be in service to the heart. 

But in our backward reality the brain has been in charge of our human experience, and we have cut ourselves off from our heart and emotions. This of course, leads to havoc and chaos because the brain is inherently NOT connected to source. 

This creates a disconnection from guidance and truth in our society. The brain/the head, the masculine was never supposed to be running the show on our human experience.

We are here to midwife a new paradigm where the sacred feminine exists in unity with the masculine. Where we listen to our bodies, our hearts, our wombs, and the whispers of Mother Earth.

How do we activate this role?

The Role of the Priestess is much more about BEING rather than DOING.

We activate this role as a Priestess by deeply listening. By showing up to our meditation seat. By being with our breath. By listening to our dreams. By taking care of our bodies, raising our vibration with food, and by slowing down.

So where have you been pushing yourself? and What would it look like to soften and follow your own natural rhythms and cycles?

Turns the Formless into Form

When we are tuned in, taking care of ourselves and deeply listening, we receive messages.  These messages may come in meditation, or in yoga class, or on a run, or any other activity when we get out of our head and into our bodies.

Our intuition lives inside our bodies.

And when we receive these messages, these quiet whispers, then it is our responsibility to ACT on those ideas.

As modern women on the Priestess path, our primary role is to become a channel, a chalice for the experience of God or the Goddess and create sacred space where others can also connect to God/Goddess as well.

To be a Priestess is to be a conduit for the formless to come into form. 

Many of us get stuck here with receiving the message and let the creativity go to waste. We put emails, laundry, and everything else on the to-do list first. Or we feel fear or self-doubt, and put it off.

What is your heart longing for? 

What messages and guidance are you receiving now?

So how do we activate this role of the Priestess?

We activate this role by saying YES to our intuitive guidance. By listening to the messages and by taking action. By stepping into what we feel is our dharma and our life purpose.

We step into this role when we let go of our fear or failure and are willing to give life to the divine messages we receive. When we remember, “Failure is actually a success, because we tried…” we are able to move ahead with taking action on the messages we receive in our dreams, and most often we won’t even fail!

In order to take clear and authentic action, it is so helpful to receive continued support and encouragement. I create accountability and sisterhood in my Priestess Initiation program and 1:1 coaching programs. I am also trained in EFT Tapping to help my clients release fear and limiting beliefs on a somatic level.

Emotional Healing 

Many women who came here for real, powerful change have had some kind of trauma in their life. 

Difficult experiences + pain actually help us to become deeply compassionate.

When we fully FEEL and move through our pain we are able to find our greatest gifts as well as our passion and power.

In activating this role we look at:

Where am I holding trauma? What limiting core beliefs do I have?

Whom do I need to forgive? Where am I holding resentment? 

How am I being a victim to my circumstances?

For the last several years I’ve been supporting women to heal the womb — trauma around physical abuse, sexual abuse, boundary violations, not feeling like you have a voice or that what you have to say matters.

I’ve supported hundreds of women in this work and it’s been incredible to see them heal this trauma to more fully activate their soul gifts and power 

Client Story

Handdrawn Circle Logo.jpg

“Meredith created a calm, safe, and compassionate space. I immediately felt comfortable opening up to her despite having just met her.

Her presence is so warm and calming and you can truly feel that she knows her stuff and possesses a ton of non-judgemental compassion.

When I reached out to work with Meredith, I was struggling with creative blocks. I had done enough inner work to know that something deep in my emotional body was holding me back from finishing creative projects and having the self-confidence to move forward in my life and career.

Again, feeling completely comfortable in my vulnerability with Meredith, she led me through a Womb Healing session and we dislodged some deep, old, childhood wounds. The healing Meredith guided me through had to do with healing shame around my sexuality and ability to trust myself. It was very intense but I felt incredibly loved and held the entire time. Afterward, some very interesting realizations surfaced and I began to look at my life in a different light. I truly believe my work with Meredith helped me to get clear on my creative goals.

I began writing a memoir AND finally, after two years, officially launched my website. If you have the opportunity to work with Meredith, you will absolutely not regret it. She is a true goddess.”

~ Stephanie Attenni, Los Angeles, CA

Read more client stories here

She Creates Ritual 

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives. A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose.

Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience. Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Ritual can also be a healing space where women come together to honor a specific purpose. These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. Participating in ritual has been one of the most healing ways to mark a big transition in my life.

Ritual has provided a space for me to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported by my sisters. After participating in ritual, I feel more confident and courageous to share myself with the world.

How do we activate this role?

We activate this role by tuning into our inner guidance, and creating a sacred ritual in honor of a transition in life. We honor this role by creating the community we long for, and by bringing women together in women’s circles.

We honor this role when we release jealousy and comparison and deepen our connection in sisterhood.

Witnesses + Creates Beauty 

Many Priestesses feel a special connection to Venus, which is all about beauty, art, fertility, music, the energy of the feminine. If you feel drawn to creating beauty and sacred space - in a home, in a garden, in creating flower mandalas, or art, you are also holding the role of a Priestess.

Creating beauty is a valid form of contribution in the world.

Beauty brings us into our heart.

Being with Mother Earth, falling in love with her, and witnessing her beauty calls us into right action and choices. It calls us into creating opportunities to share that beauty with others, and begins a ripple effect of change.

Witnessing the beauty of Mother Earth, and forming a relationship with her calls us into our desire to protect her.

How do we activate this role?

We step into this role by surrounding ourselves with beauty. By creating beauty around us always. By practicing the Beauty way, we leave a space even more beautiful than we found it.

Sacred Activism 

The Priestess is often deeply affected by the state of the world around her. She sees injustice and is called to support and activate change.

In sacred activism we ask, “What breaks my heart most about what is happening in the world?”

“How can I use my unique gifts and talents to implement change and restore balance?”

In my Priestess Initiation program we also explore our privilege, and offer partial scholarships to women of color.

Think of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua and the healing work they did for people of all classes and backgrounds. When we open our eyes to the injustice in the world and educate ourselves we are able to take steps to create systemic change.

How do we activate this role?

We activate this pillar by educating ourselves. By engaging in conversations. By contemplating our privilege. By speaking up when we see injustice. By releasing shame and victimhood. By asking the deeper questions, “How we can create a deeper ripple effect of change in our work?” 

To learn more about the Priestess path, read our article, Seven Signs You’re a Modern Day Priestess.

You can also sign up on our waitlist to be the first to know when we open the doors to our Priestess Initiation Program.

In the meantime, I’d love to hear in the comments, which pillars do you resonate most with? and what does the Priestess path look like for you?


What is a Priestess and How to Become a Priestess


I still remember the first time a friend read my numerology and told me my number correlated with the archetype of the High Priestess in the tarot deck. Even though I had no idea what it meant, something inside of me felt deeply seen.

It's been a long journey since then to discover and embody this archetype. From reading books, sitting in meditation, leading ritual and women's circles, offering up my ego, feeling deeply, healing the past, learning to forgive, to being initiated again and again ...

But what does it mean?

A Priestess is here first and foremost to serve.

She brings the formless into form through deep listening and communion with the divine.

She is here to raise the collective consciousness and to contribute in her own unique way, becoming a frequency of divine love.

She is here to anchor the frequency of the divine feminine, to restore balance on our planet and support ascension through with an energetic shift.

...These are just a few descriptions, and there are many, many more.

We are in a time of great change and I believe there are many women out there at this time who are here to hold a very specific frequency:

  • To be an embodiment of divine love to serve planetary awakening

  • To share her gifts as a teacher and a guide

  • To honor the sacred in every moment and purify, activate and align in ritual space

The path to becoming a Priestess begins with a calling. You begin to hear a quiet inner voice speaking to your spirit, awakening you to the knowledge that your life has a purpose. Chances are you have walked the path of a Priestess for a very long time, and your soul begins to remember.

When you hear the word, “Priestess,” there is a familiarity, a curiosity that is awakened. Becoming a Priestess is a deep and devotional process of learning how to serve in connection with Source, the Divine, the Goddess, all that is.

Spiritual service is about opening our heart, mind and hands and letting the energy of the divine work through us.

For some people, the Priestess path is about becoming a frequency, and it emanates from us and all that we do. For others, becoming a Priestess will look more like a counselor, a guide and a facilitator of ritual and women’s circles.

In any case, walking this path can feel very lonely, and it helps to have guidance, community and mentorship on the path.

Do you ever feel:

  • deeply impacted by the state of the world

  • highly sensitive and empathic

  • stuck with grief / unsure how to move ahead

  • struggle finding focus on truly making an impact

  • feeling alone or lacking community...?

Because I’ve connected with so many women feeling this call, I created a 10 month program for women feeling called to the Priestess path.

This program is an opportunity to answer this calling, and bring your spiritual growth and service to the forefront of your life.

I believe as women we are inherently powerful, yet many of us don't say yes to our power. When we say yes to our power and reflect that power in each other - we can be of such greater service in the world. But we also have to have good boundaries and take care of ourselves, to give from a full cup in order to be at this level of service... so it's important to take supreme care of ourselves as we step into greater service.

So this program is an opportunity to learn about the role of the priestess as well as rituals, wisdom, and skills to facilitate and hold space in your community.

We meet for 10 months and every month we meet about twice per month on live calls - this is a space for heart sharing, ritual, guest teachers throughout the year.

We have a curriculum you get to go through, which includes priestess practices, rituals, facilitation skills and initiation gateways… including astrological wisdom, energetic clearing, feminine essence, healing the womb, sensuality, voice and leadership, dreams and intuition, devotion and spiritual practice, death and rebirth, ending with our legacy of love, what we want to leave behind in this life, and writing our vows as a priestess.

It’s so powerful what can happen when a woman is witnessed, and gets to cross the threshold into her embodiment as a priestess - to claim this role in her life. In our closing weekend everyone will have the space to be witnessed in sharing her vows.


Join us for the Rising Women Leaders Way of the Priestess Program


Seven Signs You're A Modern Day Priestess


When I was growing up and heard the word "priestess," I thought of boring sermons at church, wearing clothes I didn't feel comfortable in and being forced to sit quietly when I wanted to play outside. I didn't know much about what it meant to be one other than it was probably the female version of a "priest." As a playful young girl, the thought of becoming a female priest sounded pretty mundane.

Then one day, a friend wrote out my numerology. It was the number eleven, which also breaks down to two. In tarot, the eleven (or two) corresponds to the archetype of the High Priestess. She told me in ancient times, they were known for having a heightened contact to other realms through intuition and dreams. The community would seek counsel from them to know what actions to take in their lives.

I thought about my life and how I had always had a heightened sense of intuition; of being able to feel into a situation in order to make a decision. I thought of how friends were naturally drawn to me for guidance and consolation during difficult times.

Maybe I was a priestess after all.

Over a few months, I felt more and more connected to this archetype and dove into books and articles on the topic. I began to see: this modern day mystic lives anything but a mundane life. Her life is rich in dreams, intuition, ritual, feminine leadership and a connection to the divine.

Here are seven signs there is a modern day priestess awakening within you:

Your  Calling is to be of Service

To be a leader, you must first learn to serve. —Jennie Mira

The priestess is not a teacher or leader on a pedestal, but rather, she is of the highest service.  She is in service to her community and to her calling.  Being of service is not about placing anyone above or below, but rather creating a mutual relationship of respect between the initiate and the women she serves.

Her work is to become a channel, a vessel to serve the highest good of the divine.  She must maintain a practice of self-care to be the most present and abundant in her ability to serve and become this channel.

Many women fantasize about goddesses wearing flowing robes, crowns and using magical tools, but in reality to stand in this role, one must be prepared "to be the last one in the rented hall, scraping candle wax droppings with a razor blade."  ~ Ruth Barrett

You are Highly Intuitive

She uses practices such as writing, dancing, movement, meditation, self-care and alone time to hone her ability to listen to her intuition. Our intuition is like a muscle that heightens when we pay attention to it. The more we can quiet the busyness of the mind, the more access we will have to the guidance of the divine and be able to step into this role and be a channel for those in need.

You Seek Out Ritual in Your Daily Life

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives. A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose. Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience. Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Ritual can also be a healing space where women come together to honor a specific purpose. These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. Participating in ritual has been one of the most healing ways to mark a big transition in my life. Ritual has provided a space for me to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported by my sisters. After participating in ritual, I feel more confident and courageous to share myself with the world.

Your Internal Clock is Synced with the Moon

In ancient times, women slept in tribes, often under the stars and the moon. Their menstrual cycles were in sync with each other and with the lunar cycles: bleeding at the new moon and ovulating at the full moon.

You may begin to be more in tune to the natural world and notice energy levels rise and fall. Going out to socialize will make more sense with the heightened energy of the full moon and slowing down to nest will feel perfect at the new moon. For a modern day priestess, creativity, energy levels and social needs begin to flow in tandem with the moon and tides.

You Are Highly Sensitive

You may notice how you can feel the energies of a room and have a heightened ability to feel other people's emotions. This can be difficult for highly sensitive women because the world may sometimes feel like "too much."

In my last program, one of the women "came out" as a HSP (highly sensitive person) and nearly all the others spoke up to share how much they related to and supported her. As a highly sensitive person, you may feel alone in a world of extroverted and gregarious people, however we often forget that heightened sensitivity is a gift.  You can fuel your feelings and emotions into writing, singing, and listening with a deeper level of compassion for others.

You Have Prophetic Dreams

Have you ever dreamt something and realized it became your reality a week later? A feminine mystic often turns to her dreams for guidance. Dreams are a powerful place to explore questions in your life and to connect to the desires of your subconscious self.

One practice I use often is re-entering dreams. When you are unsure of how to decipher the symbols or occurrences of a dream, close your eyes and imagine yourself back in the space. Then go to characters and objects one at a time and ask, "What do you have to show me?" You will probably be surprised with the answers your subconscious comes up with.

You Are Naturally Drawn to Holding Space

The twenty-first century priestess becomes the container who helps create sacred space wherein women can connect with the Goddess within. —Ruth Barrett

An initiate can also be a space-holder. She creates the space for others to show up as they are. Have you noticed that people turn to you to guide them through an experience? Holding space is not about planning or knowing what to do or say. It is about becoming present to the moment. All that is needed is to tune into the energy of the person or the group; to listen and ask for guidance within.

Rising Women Leaders ~ Way of the Priestess Initiation Program

In the comments, I'd love to hear what a "priestess" means to you and how can you embody this role in your daily life?

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